Sunday, March 29, 2009

We went bowling on Saturday

We took our first ever family trip to the bowling alley yesterday after and early supper. Calvin sat in the stroller and munched on cereal, and Violet, Dave and I rotated turns through 2 games. The bowling alley put up the bumpers on the lanes and gave Violet a light 6 pound ball and a metal ramp for her to set the ball up on. She pushed it down the ramp and it would roll...veryyy...sloowwly to the end of the lane and knock down some pins. At first she thought we were going swimming because she didn't recognize the word "bowling" so when we got there she was confused why there wasn't any water. And as we were bowling, she said "We're going to go bowling soon!" She got pretty into it the first few times, but towards the end of our second game, she was losing interest and wandered away from the lane a few times getting into trouble. It was still a fun time, though, and I'm glad we made the effort and went. At one point we let Calvin out of the stroller because he was getting pretty fussy, but it was crazy - he was just running every direction possible and impossible to contain, so back in the stroller he went. Violet let him push the ball down the ramp once, which he seemed to like.


  1. Ooops I lost what I started...anyway I was saying it takes sacrifice to set aside our own interests and go on such outings "for the kids." In the long run you will have more years to do those things for your own pleasure than you will have time with your'll long for the days when you had the opportunity to demonstrate Chritian character to your children...the kicker is how you handle such situations teaches them for a the same way we either give each day to the Lord or we live it for ourselves. Sorry to get preachy, because you are totally aware of this and do give your children these opportunities to share activities with you and learn of the longsuffering of Christ from these experiences. We are reminded of His loving-kindness and patience and grace towards us and that should motivate us to minister the same to others. [I Peter 4:10]
    God bless each day and may HIS patience and grace work through you!

  2. We were going to take the kids bowling on Evan's birthday and then it got too late in the evening. We are still hoping to go soon. My sister took their kids recently too. IF you ever feel like checking them out they at
