Saturday, April 04, 2009

Garage organization is under way, barely

The garage sale that I plan to sell some stuff in is quickly approaching at the end of April. When we first moved into this house, we sorted through all the boxes that were piled in the garage and only brought INTO the house what we wanted to keep. Everything else was sell or get rid of. Well, this "sell" pile got bigger, and bigger, and bigger!! It is taking over the garage. The van squeezes in between two boats and the rest of this stuff was surrounding the sides of the boats. And all this stuff was piled onto flooded machinery that needed to be cleaned up and fixed. The garage has been something on our minds that absolutely needed attention. Well, somehow we found the motivation to start organizing it while the kids slept during nap time. Dave moved all the dirty flooded machinery out to the shed for later clean up. This left us some room to move things around. I used the ShopVac to vacuum up the whole garage floor so we could start sorting. The log splitter is enormous - that thing needs to be cleaned up, too, since it was completely under water last year, but we haven't had the room to wheel it out of the garage yet, it is behind a huge pile of stuff and a boat. We hope some day to get it cleaned up and working again so we can sell it. We have a potential buyer for the small boat, he just hasn't picked it up yet. So once that boat is out of the garage, we'll really have the space to spread out and label things for sale. We made some small progress. And just starting is the hardest part. Going through all that stuff is tough. Most of it still smells like the flooded house. In our minds, its absolutely unmistakable. We get one whiff of something that sat in that house for a few months after it was all wet and it takes you right back to the dirty mess. After labeling one large plastic tub worth of stuff, both kids had woken up, and having them awake makes progress nearly impossible, so we quit working. I feel like the amount of things to get done is so huge, with so little time to work on it.


  1. I can come down some Wednesday or Sat. Let me know the best one. I also could help with the garden. This Wed is booked, but maybe the 11th.

  2. I'll let you know, dad, I need to look at the calendar and talk to Dave.
