Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Rumplestiltskin book got booted and No More Wet Kisses, daddy!

I should have taken it out of her bookshelf long ago; its not exactly a good book and I don't want to be teaching her that girls held hostage can spin straw into gold. Anyway, tonight at bedtime she pulled the book off her shelf and turned it over to see the back cover. It has pictures of other books in the same series on it. One of them pictured is Beauty and the Beast with a picture of a pretty girl next to a scary black creature. She points to the scary looking creature and says "Mommy, what is that?" I said "Its a scary guy." She said "Sometimes he makes me wake up and cry." So I said "Ok, well, that's not good, lets take it out of your room so you can sleep better." She seemed extremely happy to see the book go, so I threw it away. Problem solved. As daddy and I were giving her goodnight kisses and hugs, she got kisses and wiped them off with the back of her hand, saying "Daddy, those are juicy. Don't make the juice, ok?" HA! Dave also took Violet out to get some ice cream tonight after Puggles, just the two of them. She didn't really eat any of it (apparently ice cream is just too cold for her), but when she got home she was very excited to tell me that she spilled "the funny ice cream all over her funny arm". The ice cream was funny because it was a blizzard with peanut butter cups in it - not "normal" like smooth ice cream with nothing in it. So funny!


  1. It is so fun for little girls to have dates with Daddy. I LOVED Rumplestilskin by the way. You are probably right that it isn't a great choice for someone her age.

  2. Hi Maria,
    Yeah kids age 3&4 aren't good at separating fiction from real life...and they have huge imaginations since the Lord uses this precious time as they have that childlike simple faith in what is not seen...and we shouldnt' confuse it with things that are untrue or fearful.
    Rachel was tramatized as she was unable to tell the difference between an act and the real thing...being sympathetic...when the villan was rough with the main character in a clssic we left the show.
    (It was connected with Sabrina's School of Dance in Waverly where you and Rachel went for a year.)
    I'm still laughing about the stickers on Calvin's head.
    Thank you for sharing these special"slices of your lives"!

  3. My friend Libi went to Sabrina's. You may have been there together!
