Saturday, April 11, 2009

today was relaxing

We spent most of today relaxing. My dad stayed over at our house last night. He came to BBC's Good Friday worship to go to the program and also hear me play my flute during the service. It was nice to see him for awhile. He got up earlier than we did and had Violet entertained most of the morning. She came into our bedroom, all dressed, and said "oh! you're still sleeping? I'm going downstairs with Grandpa Jon, you guys go back to sleep, Ok?" After he left, Dave went to an appointment with the accountant who is filing our taxes for us, then came home and helped me get the kids to bed. They EACH took a FOUR hour nap. We didn't even know what to do with all that "free" time! It was great though, it was nice to relax. I went to the grocery store to get some things for tomorrow's meal, I baked 2 dozen muffin's for BBC's breakfast in the morning, we let the kids play around the church's playground equipment after I dropped the muffins off, then we went out to eat at Applebee's. The kids were well behaved (amazingly) and then when we got home, they turned on the crazy switch. Calvin was darting all over from room to room, we could barely keep up with him. They fell asleep pretty good. Violet is a little sick, I took her temp and it was 99-100, she hasn't eaten or drank much, but she bounces back and forth all day between being down and out, and lively and perfectly fine, so I don't really know what to do. My contacts are so dry, I need new ones. It affects me most when I'm up looking at the computer screen past 8 pm.

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