Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring is here, I think! Random kid stuff.

Besides a four inch snow fall last week (it has all melted, thankfully!) I think spring is here to stay (horray!!). We have a forecast ahead of us that seems ok, 50s and 60s. I took the kids to a park yesterday but they didn't like it as much as I thought they would. They were both really shy to walk up to any equipment and sort of clung to my leg the first 15 minutes. I almost packed up and left, but then they started playing with stuff. Calvin hated the swing, Violet just wanted to go down slides, and Calvin wasn't really enthused with stuff to climb on...I dunno, maybe it was just bad timing, but the weather was nice. Its hard to take them to the park together because they both want to do different things and both need help with whatever they're doing. I saw someone I knew with her 3 kids there, it was nice to talk to her. I really feel like part of the community when I go places and recognize people almost everywhere I go! The other day I went to Walmart and saw three people I knew. Maybe I should stop wearing my grubby sweatpants and brush my hair before I run quick errands! LOL Calvin is becoming a one-step expert lately. He loves to climb up one step at the bottom of the stairs, turn around the face the floor, and step down to the floor. He claps enthusiastically for himself when he doesn't fall, and expects applause from all who are watching. He has learned some sign language - he knows milk, more, hungry and all done. Sometimes he uses it, sometimes he doesn't. He can say mama, bye bye, ee-ya (see ya), nana (for banana), mah (for milk), and I think that's it. He loves to run and crash onto soft things, lay on his special blue blanket with his paci on the floor in random places when he needs a break, and he also is beginning to pick on his sister in a physical way. He knows how to annoy her by pulling her hair or pinching her skin. There are moments when the kids play together well, even separately when engaged with different toys, but those moments are few and far between. Most of the time, they want to do EVERYTHING the other is doing, and it starts a big screaming fight. Cups is the latest. If one has a sippy cup, the other has to have the same one, not anything different. This has been hard for the last couple weeks, because they've taken turns being sick. Calvin is finally over his raspy croup cough, and Violet got a bad fever for 5 days, and today is finally over it and back to her normal self. She has a bladder of steel lately. She went to the bathroom around 6:15 pm last night, and didn't go before bed, woke up dry, and this morning said she didn't have any pee. She eventually went (A LOT), but I don't get why she wouldn't go before bed or when she woke up? Dave and I have started exercising outside. I've been going to the step class but I am getting kind of tired of it, feeling like the one hour work out wasn't pushing me like I wanted it to. So we decided to trade off going running each morning, we take turns. I listen to the streaming music stations on Dave's phone, and it makes running more tolerable. Dave said he wanted to start exercising, so if we're both doing it, we can push each other to keep it up. Just being OUTSIDE is relieving to me...after such a frigid cold winter.

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