Friday, March 27, 2009

This week flew by so fast

I don't know where it went! It seems like it was just Sunday evening, Dave and I were both sort of dreading the beginning of another long week. Work for him lately has been really, really crazy busy. And now its Friday. We did have a busy week with stuff in the middle of it - I guess those are the things that make the time fly. Monday night Violet was sick, Tuesday I was supposed to be at MOPS but I didn't take Violet (even though she was ok), Wednesday morning I had Bible Study, Wednesday night Dave watched the kids while I went to help a friend move, Thursday afternoon I was babysitting my friend's kids while she got her house more in order and the beds set up, and now its Friday! Its not exactly gorgeous outside, either. Its sunny though, which I'm thankful for. Violet kept walking out onto the deck going "Is it nice outside yet?" and saying "Oh! The cold makes my hands freeeezing!" and coming back in and saying "This house makes me all cozy and warm." Awww. She's just dying to go out and take a walk with her stroller. I got distracted by deciding to post a blog entry. I was just in the middle of printing out our bank statements from online banking when my printer ran out of paper. I don't really feel like going downstairs and getting more paper. If I had a desk, I might have some storage for extra paper. I really, really would like a desk. I'm using a card table right now, which isn't comfy. I don't have a chair, either...I'm sitting on a dining room chair. This room I'm sitting in could use a little color and some decor. Violet's room is starting to look really cute. My mom came down this week with a big truck (she was on her way to Cedar Rapids to take Jay a desk) and dropped off some furniture for Violet's room that used to be in my room when I was a child living at my parent's house. It matches the headboard and dresser that she currently has in her room. She got a desk with a matching hutch and another dresser with a mirror on top of it. We rearranged the room and moved her bed to the opposite wall, and put the desk with the hutch on the wall right when you walk in the door, and moved the bookshelf/lampstand right next to her bed in the corner. I just need to put some other things on the wall...I'm getting there. She was crazy excited to get the furniture. She said "Oh my room looks so cute!" and loves to climb up in the chair and pretend to do things on the desk even though its bare and empty. Calvin's room still needs the wallpaper taken off. Since we got the steamer it works so much better than the DIF stuff. Its hard to find time to work on that wallpaper removal project, since when we have down time, he's sleeping in that room. Maybe we'll have to temporarily move him somewhere else. I don't know.


  1. Yes that was a busy week!
    I have some advice for you from Philippians 4:8. Don't worry about a whole week...(be like a child!)...and just take one day at a time and even one moment at a time and concentrate on that rather than thinking what of what is past or soon to come...(not that we don't have to plan ahead and then commit it to the Lord)... but if we are anxious or stressed about things that will robs us of the joy we could glean from the feeting moments...which could be treasures for eternity. Every moment has something to be thankful for...something lovely... something of good report...dwell on the things that are worthy of praise.
    What enables us to do this is the Spirit of Christ in us. He doesn't necessarily give us patience or grace for each moment; rather these attributes come from HIS SPIRIT WORKING IN US so that we can rejoyce in all things.
    I'm glad Violet enjoys having her own furniture.
    I wish you had a nice functional desk and supplies on hand and in time you will.
    That will be a special day for you!!

  2. We have another computer desk in storage, I will ask Joanne about that. She gave me my birthday gift last night - the man purse and the sweater, each one I enjoyed much. Silly, Jo thought Friday was my birthday, oops!
    She edited my office brochure - that I had written and asked for her comments - for a couple of hours last night as another "gift." Gotta look at it the right way ya know. Otherwise it would seem too much to be intensely going at it until midnight. Just gotta "go with the flow Jo." Or maybe " Go with the Jo flow" Either way.

    I have been reading about stewardship lately and Jo's birthday card included a verse from 1 Peter 4:10 - of course with matching wrapping paper and the card - stewards of the manifold grace of God.
    That thought means that steward's life counts now, we are not just passing through for nothing. It is connected with dispensations that I am reading about in Ryrie's Study Bible.

  3. Your new layout is the same as my friend Rachel's! I was confused at first I thought I went to her page.
