Sunday, March 01, 2009

Calvin's first time swimming - misc stuff

This little guy is having a tough time lately. He is cutting another tooth, that brings the total to 4 right now that are pushing up further and further. He is constantly chewing on his finger or shoving the corner of his blanket in his mouth. He bites his pacifier a lot trying to relieve the pain. He got to go swimming for the first time tonight. I went out to eat at Godfather's Pizza with some other moms that I know from MOPS, and later we all went to Holmes Elementary to use their pool from 7 to 8:30. Violet went to Puggles and Dave taught his Awana class, so they were together and Calvin and I went together. A friend of mine picked me up in her van since Dave needed our vehicle. It really stinks not having 2 vehicles sometimes. He wore a swim diaper and his swim trunks. He looked SO cute with his little bowed legs and big ol' baby belly sticking out. In he water he was hesitant at first, but it helped a lot that the kiddie pool was bath-water warm. I got in with him and he splashed a bit, then decided he would play on the steps the rest of the time. He went up and down, almost too fast and quick, I had to keep a hawk eye on him the whole time, he thought he could just keep doing down deeper as the steps went down. I looked away for 2 seconds, looked back at him, and he was just sitting on a deeper step calmly looking around under the water. I picked him up quick and he caught his breath, and giggled and started splashing again. Crazy kid. He's even more of a water baby than Violet was. She can't handle splashing in her face, he seems to love it. Dave picked Calvin and I up from the pool after Puggles was over. As we drove home, we drove South on Hudson Street. Violet caught a glimpse of the UNI-Dome as we drove past it, and she said "Look! There's something in the air! Its a big hat!" That had us laughing for a long time. She wasn't sure what was so funny, but nonetheless, she joined in laughing with us. We're starting to crack down on her throwing fits and whining at bedtime. Dave was struggling with her in her room to put on her PJs. I walked in the room and picked her up, took her to the spare room and sat her down. I said, "Violet, we won't tolerate this whining and throwing fits anymore. I am going to give you a spanking because you know you are not supposed to whine and throw fits." So I spanked her hard. She screamed (of course) and needed to cry and calm down for awhile, but after that episode, she was happy. A switch flipped, and she seemed OK. I am hoping this is the start of a happier girl at bedtime. I'm sick of the fight going to bed. As we prayed with her at bedtime, Dave prayed first and toward the end of his prayer, he said something about Violet becoming saved at a young age. She freaked out and said "Daddy, DON'T call me young age."


  1. It's just SO important to be accurate, consistant, and true in conversation and actions as this age and all through their training for that matter!!! Kids either learn to trust their parents and to trust others and learn how to respond to situations and to know what to is appropriate and what to expect based on modeling their the way their parents handle things and by the way their parents react to them and so it's critical that your feedback is consitantly based on truth and love as our Lord's is to us as He trains us through His Word and His Actions...we learn from His learn form ours... we need to be sincere in giving a true and loving responces (love is not afraid to discipline) to their inquiry and their actins.
    This is the best way. Note that being "sarcastic" warps their sense of what is true and then when we laugh at them for not knowing how to respond it is actually cruel.

  2. Hi this is Mom - sorry I wrote that last comment rather quickly with gramatical are a few more sobering thought related to not confusing children/others by the way we behave:
    We should not cause the weak to stumble with our liberty.
    God is not a God of confusion.
    Let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner.
    Our speach should be clearly understood...otherwise, we are only making ourself look good at the expense of others.
    Our words should be pure and we should speak so that others learn, are built up, and are encouraged.
    We need to pray for wisdom and for the work of the Spirit in our lives to be edifying to all the members of the Church God brings into our lives...especially those in our own household.
    I think that is one reason the Lord brings children into our temper our words and actions to be more Christlike. Their ever presence is a reminder that He is ever present with us...and they are SO moldable right now...but someday they will not be there...and you will not get the time or opportunity back!!!
    God help us.
