Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Calvin woke up again full of puke and poop. Poor kid. He must have eaten too much spaghetti last night and too soon before going to bed. He and I got a shower together while Violet occupied herself with painting downstairs. After getting all cleaned up (stripping down all his crib bedding and 5 blankets), I gave Calvin a few cheerios to munch on with some milk. He didn't seem to have much of an appetite so that is all he had to eat. His two pacifiers that were in his crib got puked on, so I boiled them on the stove for 5 minutes hoping to sanitize them. I discovered all the puke grime was stuck in the nub part of it (that you hold onto). That just grossed me out. I pitched them ALL in the garbage and vowed to get new ones. That meant a trip to Walmart if he was going to get a nap today. I dislike being victim to this pacifier. I have a love/hate relationship with that thing. He loves it, it calms him down, allows him to sleep, and that is why I love it. I hate always having to find it and keep them clean. Violet never took a paci so this whole paci thing is new to me...and if I had it my way, he wouldn't have had it in the first place, but he wouldn't sleep as a newborn with out it, and sleep was more important to me at that point! We took a trip to Walmart to get a few things (yes, more pacifiers). It was like Walmart-social hour. I saw 4 people I knew. Amy Knox, Mary Burton, Barb Swieter, and Toni Rundall. It is so neat to know so many people in Cedar Falls that I recognize people around town. That cheered me up a little bit. Plus, its 71 degrees outside!! Gorgeous! I can hear the birds chirping and feel the wind blowing through the house. The fighting doesn't seem to end sometimes with V and C. He's at the age where he'll get into something oh...for about 5 seconds. He wanted to push Violet's stroller around the patio today, but he only pushed it for about 5 seconds, then walked away. Violet FREAKS out if he even gets close to it, so the moment his hands hit the handles, she runs up to him and snatches it away. I know its just the beginning, but after such a gross and harried morning, I just wanted a little time to breathe and all they did was nit pick at each other. She pushes his buttons just to annoy him. She knows exactly what he wants. Sippy cups are the worst. If one is taking a drink, the other just HAS to have the SAME sippy. Not a different one with the same thing in it, the SAME one. Taking turns just doesn't work. I'm going to start marketing invisible sippies. At one point, I snipped Violet's cheek because she disobeyed and she said "Mom, don't snip my cheek. Cheeks are for hugs." So I said "Ok, I'll snip your hand then." and she said "No, mom, hands are for holding things. Use my butt next time." LOL

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