Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not the best night (do not read while eating!)

Dave said last night marked the worst night for him ever since having kids. It may be because he got puked on twice. Poor little Violet came walking into our room at 2 am heaving. She said "I have to throw up!" Dave sprung out of bed so fast and grabbed her and took her to the toilet before I could barely sit up. She got some on him but mostly it all went in the toilet. It was all carrots that came up. Last night we shared some of the carrots that we cooked in a foil packet with potatoes and steaks on the grill, they must have been bad. We bathed her at 2 am and changed her pajamas and brushed her teeth. Dave coaxed her into drinking a mix of baking soda, salt and water to see if it would do either of two things: settle her tummy, or cause her to throw up the rest of whatever was in there. She let that hit her stomach, and more came up, landing on part of Dave's leg and the toilet. She was such a little trooper though. She cried for a little while, but most the time, she sat still and wanted to cuddle. She said "I need to throw up" and would throw up, and then say "I fink I'm all done now." She wanted to sleep in our bed last night. We caught another bout of puke in a plastic bucket near the bed. The three of us didn't sleep very well. She slept for maybe a few hours towards the end of the night. She woke up pretty cheerful, and has continued to act like her normal self all morning, having a big helping of oatmeal for breakfast as usual. She was showing her lack of sleep, with extra whining and fighting with Calvin. They both had little for lunch (neither of them showed any appetite except for some probiotic yogurt), and went down EASILY for naps. Calvin always goes down first (he's so easy, I just lay him in bed with a paci and his blanket and he's out), and I get V ready next. She laid in bed cheerfully and we prayed that she would sleep well and feel much better. I had originally planned to go to MOPS this morning, but those plans were canceled after we discovered Violet was feeling sick. I knew it was probably just bad food and she is OK now, but I didn't want to take her, and I'm glad I didn't, because she had diarrhea all morning. I had signed up to contribute a coffeecake to the morning's brunch, so I drove the coffeecake that I made the night before to the church and put it on the buffet table in the meeting room with a note that I wouldn't be there. I ran that errand around 8:15 with my sweatpants and glasses on. I made a trip through the Starbucks drive-thru and brought home two extra hot mochas, one for Dave, which he was happy to sit back and enjoy before the day started. Neither of us do particularly well on little sleep, especially Dave, so I am praying for him today that he would push through the tiredness and be able to focus on his work duties and be productive.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing, you do have my prayers.
    You guys are real soldiers!

    Love You

