Sunday, March 22, 2009

The weekend

The weather was perfect (70s, no wind, sunny). I was surrounded with family and had a very relaxing day taking walks, shopping, and ending the day with a yummy steak grilled outside. Friday night Dave and I hosted my parents, Jay and Molly, and Rachel overnight. We got babysitters and went out to eat Friday night with the family to celebrate three March birthdays (Molly - March 7th, Rachel - March 3rd, and my dad, March 28th). We ate at Red River Steaks and BBQ. Most of us got beef brisket. Today isn't so nice weather-wise, but I got a nap, which is a rarity. Violet and Dave are at AWANA and I have Calvin here. I started the first of approximately 6 loads of laundry, so I know what I'll be doing all night. We bought a steamer to take off the wallpaper in the living room, and it works so amazing. The wallpaper peels off as easy as a piece of cheese from the plastic wrapper. I can't wait to get the wallpaper off in Calvin's room!


  1. I was thinking you should write the book on being organized!
    Yes, we had brisket!
    I have taken down wallpaper too, be sure to re prime the wall before you put new stuff up because it will make placing it easier and in the event you take it down someday easier.

  2. we don't plan on re-wallpapering, I can't stand the stuff! lol

  3. I get it you are painting not re wall papering.
    Still, isn't a primer needed to repaint?

  4. Yes, I think priming is a good idea before repainting.
