Thursday, March 05, 2009

What a B-E-A-utiful day!!

Today was such a breath of fresh air. And I know its just a teaser of a day, because I peeked at the forecast for next week and the high is around 30. Oh well, I'll take what I can get. The little temperature thing in the kitchen window said it hit 67 today. Dave and I aired out the house, opening up the doors and a few windows. The garage was actually colder than outside! I went to work out class this morning and when I came back (it was the demonstration day of the new Pilates class they're adding to Tues. mornings), Dave told me how nice it was outside. After the kids' naps, we got to walk around outside for almost three hours. The breeze felt so nice. Violet woke up first from her nap (like always) and wanted to watch something on TV, but I distracted her my letting her walk outside on the deck for a little bit. She said immediately "Oh! Its so nice outside!" I was loving the irony as she stood there in the gorgeous weather, wearing her footed snowman pajamas. We played outside for awhile. We walked all around the house a few times, saying Hi to Daddy through his open basement window and playing on the little table and chairs in the gazebo. We waited to go on a walk until Calvin got up. He woke up sort of crabby and wanted to snuggle. But when we took a step outside, he wriggled out of my arms and just wanted to get on the grass. He said "ooh! and ahh!" pointing to things. Violet brought her pink stroller outside and we took a long walk around the block. She picked up garbage along the way storing it in the little storage compartment in the stroller. Random plastic things, paper, garbage. She would notice something by the sidewalk and say "there's something else mommy! We can throw it away at our house!" Calvin was really aimless and annoying me with his wandering, so I just held him the whole time. He was Ok for a little bit, tearing down a length of sidewalk for a good distance, but if he got distracted and wanted to go a different way and I corrected his path, he would throw fits because he couldn't go where he wanted. I could tell he was just really anxious to explore the world, but walking in a straight line just isn't the way to do it. He seemed Ok with me holding him the rest of the walk following Violet. He was enjoying the fresh air and the breeze and probably listening to the random conversations that Violet and I were having. When we got inside, they went straight to the tub because they were both muddy and dirty. They are really starting to interact. Calvin is initiating interaction with Violet, which is a first for him. He would say "MA!" and throw his hands down hard in the water making a big splash, and expecting Violet to copy him. If she did, he would let out the happiest belly laugh. He kept doing it, expecting her to play in return, which she did. She seemed to love it too. I just sat there and smiled at them playing together. Sweet times.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Be sure to put away the talcum powder out of reach!
