Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday morning

Violet is the most conversational and excited right when she wakes up in the morning. Dave and Calvin are still sleeping as I'm writing this, its 8:32 am. Violet got up at 7:30 like usual, came bounding into our bedroom and announced, "I woke up dry!" I got up with her and made some oatmeal for her. She stood on a chair next to the kitchen island and ate, and while it was getting ready, she stood there and started madly stomping her feet on the chair. "I'm slapping my foots!" I said "you're slapping your foots?" She responded, "Yeah, I sink so. Cuz my legs are cold." She is really attached to the tune that Mama Rowena taught her ("This is the way the lady rides, the lady rides, the lady rides, this is the way the lady rides, so early in the morning." riding on her legs swaying side to side gently. The next verse says "This is the way the farmer rides, the farmer rides, etc." a little more bumpy, and the next verse "This is the way the cowboy rides" REALLY bumpy.) It always makes her laugh. At least I think those are the verse, I don't remember. Anyway- she wants everything to that tune. "This is the way we eat our oatmeal, eat our oatmeal, eat our oatmeal, etc" and "This is the way we use our spoon, use our spoon, etc." She kept wanting me to sing that song with all sorts of things. I must have sounded audibly sick of singing that song, because she said after the 50th verse of something random, she said "Mom, are you getting tired of that song?" LOL and after she said that, she said "Mommy, you are funny. Want a bite of oatmeal??" I said "No, thanks, its for Violet." V: "Yes, you do!" I've really been enjoying her crazy random 3 yr old brain lately. I can't keep up capturing the goofy things she says! oh, and another thing yesterday or the day before. She was propped up on the couch watching something on TV with a bunch of pillows behind her. The pillows knocked over and she had nothing to lean back on. She panicked and said "Mom! I lost it! I lost the spot for my head!"

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