Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Enjoyed the weather today

I went to MOPS this morning (thankfully Violet is feeling much better! She was too sick to go to Sunday School so she didn't go) and it was really nice. Thanks to all who prayed for my devotion-leading, it went well. When I got home it was just too beautiful to pull in the garage and shut the garage door. I got the kids out of the car and let them walk around outside, up and down the sidewalks, down a few houses and back to our yard to tromp around some more. Dave came outside and walked around the yard with us. Calvin fell a lot in the muddy mushy wet grass - and Violet happily splashed in the water and ran around the yard. Calvin enjoyed himself a lot, I could tell. He was acting like a kid in a candy store - looking every direction possible not really knowing what to be fascinated with first. He picked up rocks, put them in his mouth, spit them out with a look of disgust on his face, picked up red berries that dropped the tree in the front yard, stuck those in his mouth too, and spit them out with an even more disgusted look on his face, LOL. He saw a car go by and said "Oohh!" while pointing. He climbed up cement landscaping blocks, up the stairs on the gazebo, he was just all over. If I picked him up for a second to redirect him, he would get so mad that he couldn't go on his own. It was just so refreshing to breathe the outside air and actually enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah and I'm thankful for the wind too if it dries up the water everywhere...be sure to find your wild flood boots(V's were just black I think) and have at it! There is so much to discover outside of the walls of a house after this LONG winter!!! Kids must have been elated.
    You see now how wonderful it is to have sidewalks to go on when you have kids! I'm glad too that your sidewalks are farther back from the street than most. And you have a BIG yard.
    If kids know their boundaries they will stay in them. Somehow my dad had me "programed" to not leave the block...and I didn't. I was almost 8 years old before I had the liberty to cross a street by myself...it was after I finally got a two-wheeled bike and my boundaries expanded to the entire town...my brother and I explored the town in every direction on our bikes like explorers...otherwise, the block was my world are a "run about" and I didn't know such things as "private property" as we were a new neighborhood of no fenses and everyone's back yards were mutually shared by all...and there were LOTS of kids running around! Mom
