Friday, February 20, 2009

The latest

I guess its just been a busy week, with not a whole lot to write about! Most mornings this week I've been out of the house doing something, which has been good, but it makes me get behind on housework. Monday I spent trying to recover from the crazy sleepless wedding weekend, Tuesday morning I went to indoor park at the rec center to let the kids play, Wednesday morning was Bible Study, Thursday morning I was out of the house running errands, and Friday morning my mom and I took the kids out and about doing stuff all morning, running a few errands, etc. I have done a little shopping for myself and ended up returning half of what I bought. Sometimes I really hate shopping and sometimes I really love it. I hate it because it takes so much time and effort to find stuff that I like and that fits right (and I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world), and I love it because when I get stuff I really like it is so rewarding. Thursday this week was the last night that our small group is meeting - we're changing to a different night and meeting with different people. I will miss our old group, but I'm also looking forward to seeing what God has in mind for our new group of people. I wonder what we'll study? Dave is in charge of leading the small group, I am praying he will get a direction for our group. Violet is really loving to rock and sing songs at night. One night when I was rocking, the song Be Thou My Vision came to my head because I heard it at Jay's wedding and really loved it. I sang the first verse by memory, and Violet asked me to sing it again. She especially likes to hear the words "best" in the 3rd line, and hearing "waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light" and talks about presents, like presents that you get at birthday time, LOL. I got out the Hymn book and left it in her room so I can sing songs to her at bedtime. She drinks up songs and tunes, she can learn a song very quickly, and sings on tune very well. Even if she doesn't turn out to be a singer, she's very musical and I would love to find a musical outlet for her. Last night Dave rocked with her and sang some random hymns from the book - and I don't remember what the songs were, but one of them had the words "vile" and "Calvary" in the lyrics. When she heard the word "vile" she piped up "Not Violet!" and when she heard the lyric "Calvary" she said "not Calvin!" and laughed at herself I think in disbelief that her and Calvin's names were actually in the songs. haha! She also proved to me that she's gaining strength and dexterity. The other night when we were at Dave and Karen's for small group, she hauled up a kid size plastic table up the entire flight of stairs by herself. She first brought me a little play bowl, 2 spoons, mixers, and an egg, pretending to bring me a snack. I told her to eat more food at the play table downstairs but she interpreted that as bringing the table to me. I couldn't believe she hauled up that table by herself. When she helps me pack up my stuff after work out class, she carries my 5 pound weights back to the rack my herself. Yesterday morning I made a pot of coffee. I must have been mumbly and tired at the moment I was making it. She said "mom, what are you doing?" as I poured the water into the coffee maker. I said "I'm putting water in the coffee maker." and said said "oh! you're making comfy? You're going to be all warm and cozy?" It made me laugh. We took the gate down that blocks the stair case. Calvin now has free range to the whole house. He's proved his ability to handle going up and down the stairs with no help or supervision lately, so we took it down. Even though I still worry about him falling down the stairs (and he has!) I think it will just take a few more tumbles for him to be more sturdy and secure. He seems to LOVE the freedom. He goes upstairs, and immediately goes to his room and starts playing with the black fan that sits on the floor in his room. He pushes it to make it rotate. I can always tell that is what he goes for first because of the familiar clicking sounds it makes as it moves up and down. Sometimes he wanders into Violet's room and pulls all the books off her bookshelf. Yesterday, I found the two of them together in the guest room. Violet had moved her pink step stool next to the bed so she could climb up on it and jump on the bed. Calvin was giggling at her jumping and pulling the dresser drawers open and shut. His teeth have been bothering him a lot. After his nap today he woke up screaming. I went into his room and he was sobbing, chewing on his fingers hard and had a mouth full of drool. I gave him a dose of motrin and about 15 min later felt better. He seems really chill and relaxed after the ibuprofen hits his system. He went to bed at 7 pm tonight, and I hear him wake up and cry about every hour, poor kid.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for writing and sharing your thoughts and activities.
