Friday, February 27, 2009


I am making a lazy morning out of today. It feels nice! I've gone to work out three times this week, I felt like taking today off. My hamstring muscles are screaming, they're so sore. I can't bend over with out pain today, so I'm takin' a break. Violet woke up at 7:30 this morning and came bounding into my bedroom with red stickers all over her face and pajamas. I was barely coherent, she continued to put red heart stickers all over the bedroom wall while I spent 15 minutes waking up just laying there. She put stickers on my face, too, and I didn't notice until I got a glimpse of my face in the mirror. ha! Calvin woke up at 8, and they each had a big bowl of oatmeal. I had granola. Dave met a friend for coffee this morning so he got home from that around 8. Yesterday was a crazy day. It was fun, though! I worked out, then picked up Kim and Katie to come with us to indoor park at the rec center. Selena met us there with her kids, and they played for awhile, then at lunch, and played more. When we got home they were SO tired and whiny. I put them in bed and took a shower. I had a doctor appointment to go to, so I left while they were sleeping (Dave is home working downstairs) and got to the doctor's office RIGHT before a storm blew through and dumped hail and freezing rain in a big whoosh. It got amazingly dark for 2 pm and it blew through with in 30 minutes. I got to catch up with my midwife who took care of me with both pregnancies. She was glad to see me. I got home after running a couple errands (post office, HyVee pharmacy) and walked in the door to a tearful Violet. She couldn't find me. She had woken up from her nap early and Dave didn't notice, and was walking around the house in tears because she couldn't find me. She gave me a big hug and clutched me tightly and said "I thought you were around here somewhere. I couldn't find you, mommy." I spent the next 15 minutes calming her down. She needed to snuggle. Then she was hungry. Calvin didn't wake up until nearly 4:30. We have been working on finishing up leftovers, so I didn't have to cook anything for supper. Wednesday night we went to the crossroads mall so Dave could get some shopping done for some new pants. He knew of some great deals and discounts going on at Dillards, so I let the kids play at the crossroads kid play area all night. Violet and Calvin both loved climbing the stairs to the slide, and going down and up the whole time. Two other girls showed up and V had a blast playing with them. One of the girls was obviously older (maybe 4 1/2) and was faster than the other two. The other girl did not speak english...her mom was there speaking to her in I'm guessing Russian or something middle eastern. I didn't recognize the language, but the girls played like it wasn't an issue. The language was laughter, chasing, falling, tripping, and doing a good job taking turns. I was entertained by them! Calvin kept trying to escape the play area so he kept me on my toes! They both got to ride the carousel. Calvin screamed - he was so scared! Violet loved every moment of it. Tuesday was fun, too. Our friends' kids came over so they could get a date night from about 6-8:30. The night went smoothly and V and her friend had a blast upstairs. They kept busy with all sorts of mundane things - and the boys and the baby were downstairs individually busy with toys. They all scarfed down fruit and grilled cheese for supper. Tonight we're having some friends over that used to live in CF - Jeanne, Scott, Annemarie and Bennett Hansen. They live in Charles City now. Dave said he's going to make supper. He planned meatballs and marinara sauce over spaghetti with cheesy garlic bread. Jeanne is bringing some dip and a dessert. We used to hang out a lot before they moved. I'm glad they aren't too far away, but we miss seeing them more often. I've gotten interrupted about a million times while writing this. Calvin is on the stairs crying, Violet is trying to comfort him at the moment with more toy balls. He keeps going upstairs and playing with his fan. She has a pile of blocks on the carpet and makes a tower or something, and he just HAS to come over and knock down what she's doing, which sets her off into a tizzy of crying. She tries to give him a pile of blocks to play with, but he doesn't get that concept, so he does whatever he wants and makes her mad. I got out a granola bar to eat and they both wanted bites....this is sort of a random account of random things, but its just what is happening at this very moment. She is upset right now because she saw a pack of markers on the bookshelf in the front room, and wants to color with them. I told her no because they are permanent. (why would someone give a kid permanent markers?) She just brought me a big fat black permanent marker asking if she could write with it. NO! I said. I should probably get off the computer - I gotta give these kids a bath this morning before naps and lunch, and its already 11:15 so I should probably get moving.

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