Saturday, February 07, 2009

I had a really enjoyable night with the kids

Dave is off with a bunch of guys and Jay for his bachelor party tonight. They all piled into our van, so we stayed home the rest of the day. Earlier in the day I took the kids to McDonalds for lunch just to get out of the house for awhile. They did great there. They sat well, ate well, and didn't put up any fusses. I did have to take V to the bathroom and hold Calvin at the same time which was difficult and awkward, trying to keep him from touching anything and wiping her at the same time. Violet had 3 chicken nuggets, Calvin just ate french fries. She worked a deal with me that if she finished all her food, she could have some ice cream. I figured, sure, why not, so she ate all her nuggets (I say 3 because the 4th one fell on the floor, that went in the garbage). I got them a little cup of ice cream to split. Violet got to hold the ice cream cone with the ice cream on it - Calvin ate from a spoon. She seems so sensitive to cold stuff. She can't eat it fast, and took tiny little licks. As soon as we got home from there, I got the kids in bed (this was around 2 pm, so they were both super duper tired and welcomed the naps). They both slept for a couple hours, V got up before C. She wanted to rock, and rock, and rock...she didn't want to get off my lap. I think she's starting to feel a little sick. Her little body felt really hot, so I gave her a tsp of motrin to try bring it down. She complained about her eyes burning. I got them supper around 6:30. Calvin just took a couple bites. Violet didn't want a thing and said she would eat later. She never did eat I suppose in the morning she'll be super hungry. They just played really well together. I sat on the couch and watched them play. She watches out for him all the time. If he's trying to climb up onto the little ride-on car, she will notice if he's struggling and run over to him and say "Aw, its ok buddy. I will help you." She is always finding something that will make him laugh. Part of the day was spent with her camera hooked up to the TV. I point it in their direction and follow them around...and the kids just LOVED seeing themselves on the screen. Calvin woke up in time to play with that. He sat on the couch, got one glimpse of his own face and body, and screeched and pointed to the screen. Violet ran around and giggled and danced, fell on the floor on purpose, being a total ham. She came to me and snuggled under my blanket a few times. I brought down a pile of books and we read lots of books together. Calvin was interested in story time, but he just wanted to rip the books from my hand. She got annoyed with him doing that a little, but he moved on to play with the pig that he drops the plastic coins into for 15 minutes. He was so focused. We got to read books for a long time. She seemed to love the attention. I was focused on her all night, almost every single moment. Not every day is like that. She helped me put Calvin to bed first. She picked out his pajamas, got his diaper out of the drawer, arranged all his blankets in his crib, put his toothpaste on his tooth brush, and climbed in his bed with him to give him a kiss and a hug goodnight. It was just so sweet. She went to bed with no fighting, either. I think some of her behavior is due to the fact that she's feeling sick. She has a cough, is slightly feverish, and she must have body aches. She complained about her eyes burning a lot, her legs being sore, and today when she was in her car seat for about an hour straight, she was screaming about her back hurting. That could have just been a tactic to get out of her car seat though, I don't know. We rocked in her room and sang as many songs as I could come up with from memory. I would finish a song, and she'd say "I want a different song now." and I sang "I'm so happy and here's the reason why, Jesus took my burden all away" (an old sunday school song that I love) and she said "mom, can you teach that song to me?" so I sang it over and over, and I said I could teach it to her tomorrow, too. She went to bed well, got up an hour later to go potty, and she's back in bed. eta: I just re-read this post and realized I mentioned her feeling sick two times...can you tell I started this post, got distracted by something, and finished the last half of it an hour later? ughhh.


  1. I am reading this rather late, so I must say that I enjoyed every bit of the last several posts.
    Thanks for writing.


  2. These are fun to read. Thanks, Maria. Very sweet little details. Thanks for taking the time to write them out. I love you! :) - Dave
