Saturday, February 21, 2009

"funny things"

"Funny things" (which sounds like "funny sings") is the name Violet came up with for what she does when we hook up the digital camera to the TV so she can see herself live on TV. It totally cracks her up and she turns into the biggest ham, throwing herself all over the floor giggling, dancing, and making faces. She always wants to do "funny things". I got a pair of pants that have the word "LOVE" on the left leg. The O is in the shape of a heart. After lunch before naptime, she looked at my pants, and pointed to each letter saying "E, V, heart, and L. It says PANTS!" As we tucked her into bed, Dave tried climbing into her bed. She says "Daddy, don't sleep in my bed! That is my bed! You are driving me CRAZY!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey - she's starting to "read"!
    ("pants") very cute.
    I think it's time to put a cheep foam twin sized mattress at the bottom of the's just a matter of time. (- :
    Yeah - it's me - "gramma"
