Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009 is here!

After a short break once the LaMarche family left the house, it was filled again with 2 more sets of guests. Rachel, Shawn and Kim, and Dorothy and Nicky Rowe and their 2 kids, Darcy and Abigail. We had lunch with Shawn and Kim on Wednesday. I served leftover turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes and veggies, and when the Rowe family came, we had leftover spaghetti sauce, salad, and garlic bread. We made a triple layer mud pie for dessert. We managed to stay up til midnight and slept in til 8 am. Rachel had made pecan sticky buns for breakfast, and Dave scrambled up a pile of cheesy eggs. We didn't have a real plan for the visit, just hang out and have fun. The kids all did great playing together. I used leftover turkey (again) to make a spaghetti casserole, which I'll make again for sure someday, it was delicious! Everyone left by 5 pm...and the house was silent again...what a relief! Its fun entertaining people, but at the same time, its exhausting! Dave and I are pretty tired, and are looking forward to getting the house back together, in order and clean again.

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