Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday and Monday

I never really know what to title my posts. Its been a pretty fun 2 days! Dave is in California this week. He is attending some sales meetings at Calix's headquarters in Petaluma, CA. Violet has a sticker on her calender upstairs in her room on Friday which tells her which day daddy is coming home. There have been a couple times today that she has whined for her daddy. Tonight she started crying while she was taking a bath - out of the blue - I asked her why she was sad, she said she missed her daddy. :( She usually wants him when I have to discipline for some reason (ya know, always preferring the parent who isn't upset with her at that moment, of course!), but tonight was different. She seemed excited to talk to him on the phone a couple times today. She usually says "hi!" and then waits for him to say something. He says "how are you?" and she says "good". If he asks her what she's been doing, she usually looks to me for an answer because she doesn't know what to say. On Sunday after I got the kids in bed for naps, Dave was scrambling around the house trying to get last minute things packed in his suitcase. At one point, we were both in the kitchen and it dawned on me that we just have one car. I said "Wait. How are you going to get to the airport?" He just stopped and looked at me like "oh DUH" - we don't have the truck anymore. We both completely forgot. In order to avoid dragging the sleeping kids out of bed, we called our friend Karen Wilson and asked her if she could come over to our house and sit there for 20 minutes while I drove Dave to the airport. She quickly agreed to help out. What a blessing it is to have great friends close to us. Sunday night I took Violet to her Puggles class. She really loves going and never is sad or cries anymore. That is very nice. As long as she has that pink blankie with her, she's great. I wonder when she'll let go of taking it with her everywhere? I went to Walmart to get a few groceries and stuff with just Calvin. I felt like I was alone -Calvin is so good in the cart. He likes to sit there and just watch things. I asked the customer service desk if anybody turned in a blue fleece hat, and they HAD IT!!! I was SOO happy! So Calvin got his hat back. I didn't really pray about finding it but God answered a desire of mine with out even me asking. I picked Violet back up after that shopping trip and they went to bed pretty easy, I think. This was 24 hours ago, I don't remember much that even happened an hour ago. The night wasn't so great, though. Violet climbed into my bed at 1 am and said she had to go pee. So, she went pee and then fell asleep in my bed til 3 am. I carried her back to her bed and prayed with her again, and she fell asleep until 7 am and climbed back in my bed and said she was hungry. I'm not used to getting up in the middle of the night with her. At least she got up and went pee instead of going in her bed. That is great! Calvin is such a good sleeper, I just love it! He goes down to sleep around 7:30-8:00 and sleeps a full 12 hours, and lately, he's been taking really long naps in the afternoon. He's growing so fast, I'm sure he's going through some type of growth spurt right now. He sleeps 15 hours in a 24 hour period! Today he slept from 1 pm to 5 pm. I had to go in and wake him up so he could eat and be tired enough to go to bed. Sure enough he was rubbing his eyes and ready for bed by 8 pm. I sometimes think of things throughout the day that I can record - funny things she says, etc. I can barely keep up with the entirety of the conversation because it is just so adult-like. She speaks in full sentences and gets nearly every word right and is very conversational. Lately she likes to tell me secrets. She says "Mom, c'mere. I have to tell you a secret." So I lean over and she pulls my hair away so she can get to my ear. She said "Mom. I...I...want to play a game with you." or "Mom. I need to go to the bathroom. Can you come in there and read a book with me?" ... or whatever. Things are secrets. Its too cute. Tonight she actually requested to take a bath. She said "Mom, I would like to take a bath so I can play with my new purple and green soap that Molly gave to me." Violet and I had a fun day. Her friends Ivy, Evan and Sylvie came over this morning to play all morning and stayed for lunch. We had one of her favorites for lunch - mac and cheese. She was super tired by naptime. Later in the evening, I heard Calvin fall down and his head smacked the floor. She didn't actually see it happen, but she was right next to him when it happened, and I got up quickly to tend to him and noticed the horribly guilty look on her face. She ran to the couch and said "Mom! Don't spank me!!" So I'm about 100% she pushed him down for no reason. Through his hysterical screaming, I said to her "Violet, did you push Calvin down?" She quietly said "yes." I was a little too irritated at the moment to spank her, so she got a 5 minute time out. She sat quietly the whole 5 minutes of her time out, then happily got up, ran to give him a hug and a kiss and said "Calvin, I'm sorry for pushing you." and that was it. I hope she learned a lesson, or next time will be a spank. Other than those not-so-fun moments, there are always super funny moments between those two. I even caught one on video. Calvin thinks Violet is so hysterical sometimes. She started jumping over something over and over and over making the same noise, and he caught on to her jumping repetition and belly laughed every time she jumped making that same noise. She catches on to him thinking she is funny and just keeps doing whatever makes him laugh. His laughter is just so contagious. When either of them wake up from a nap, they want the other to play with. Usually V wakes up before him, and gives him a big hug and kiss when he wakes up after she does.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for recording those precious moments...such a "good read"...we thoroughly enjoy them!
    The video makes us laugh!!!
    Mom and Dad
