Thursday, January 29, 2009

Its been a fun day in Mason City

The day has been better than the night! Last night Violet was up 3 times and Calvin got up once and screamed for awhile. He just wanted me to hold him. I sat on the couch with him and he just snuggled in and laid on me for a long time. Somewhere in the middle of the night while holding him, I whispered in his ear "I need to put you back in your bed now." and he just started crying. I think he understood what I said! I laid him back down and just rubbed his back for a long time (while my legs and arms were sore and aching in that leaning-over position) and he eventually fell asleep. I'm ready for these sick kids to start sleeping through the night again!! I got my teeth cleaned at 9 am. No cavities! When I got back to mom and dad's house around 10 am, we packed up the kids and took them to the gym to burn off some energy for an hour and a half. Violet just took off, running everywhere, jumping on the trampoline, climbing across the ball pit, throwing balls, climbing on mats, she just loved it. Calvin just wandered around most of the time. I jumped on the trampoline for a little bit too. I took some pics with dad's camera, too. We fed the kids lunch when we got back and put them down for much-needed naps. Violet went to get her teeth cleaned at 3:30 and she did GREAT! I was anticipating a scared and crying Violet like we had 6 months ago, but she did so well. She clutched her blankie and hesitantly walked back with the assisant, but she eventually warmed up to them. She climbed in the chair and let my dad count all her teeth, and Nancy scaled and polished them. She got a new toothbrush and toothpaste for doing so well. I get to go pick up Dave from the airport tomorrow around 2 pm!

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