Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Calvin is done nursing

So yesterday was my last time nursing Calvin. He's been doing wonderful with out it, too. He takes regular milk and food really well. I'm so happy the transition was easy...I had a rough time weaning Violet. He's just so much more into food than she ever was at his age. So...YAY! And he doesn't seem to be asking for it either. Its like he forgot, which is great! I'm a little tiny bit sad, but glad to be done. He just grew up on me too fast. I feel like I got cheated out of enjoying my kids a little bit last year with everything going on. But onto bigger and better things! Its a new year. Violet loves singing those "Hide em in your heart" songs so much. She bursts into a different tune at random times during the day. "You shall love the Lord your God...with all your heart..with all your heart...soul and mind." and "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." and "Hosanna! To the son of David..." and on and on. Its so sweet. Today was a fun morning. I got to go to Bible study and then get lunch with a bunch of the ladies there and their kids. Then both kids took long naps and I was able to clean up a little around here and put the laundry away. And then tonight I get to go out to eat with 2 of my friends! yay!

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