Monday, January 12, 2009

I got a lot accomplished this past weekend

I got invited to a scrapbooking party on Saturday. I normally don't do crafty artsy things with my pictures, so this type of thing isn't really my cup 'o tea. But, I decided it was finally time to set a day aside to get productive with putting all the pictures in I got Dave to stay home with the kids for a day and I went and worked on just organizing my pictures and putting them in the slots of 4 picture book albums that I recently got. Over 1200 pictures got put into albums and approx 200 pictures of the flood and the damaged house got put into a scrapbook album. I also spent close to 4 hours just cutting out the newspaper articles and pictures that I wanted to keep. That is what took the longest time. I used a huge spot on the floor to chronogically lay out the articles and used scissors to fit them into the book. After the newspaper articles went in the book, all the pictures went in, 3 to a page so I could write notes by the pictures of what I remembered. It was just a huge relief to get that done. I had purchased the scrapbook months ago, ordered the prints months ago, and finally did it. Now I just need to keep up with all the family pictures, which I can handle. I order them once every 3 months or so and fill them in the book. That is managable! If I don't take too many pictures, that is. I ended up working from 2 pm to midnight. Most of the girls that came to scrapbook worked that long or longer - some staying past midnight. So Sunday I was pretty tired, not having much sleep the night before. That day was dedicated to laundry - so I got 4 loads washed, dried, and half of it put away. I dislike putting laundry has to get separated into so many different little piles in so many rooms, and I don't do well going many directions at once. I went to work out this morning, but I was so tired. I yawned through most of it and hope I didn't annoy the instructor too much, haha! I put on a video for the kids to watch and I went upstairs to take a shower. They did just fine. Violet was instructed to not go upstairs and not move the gate, and she didn't. So I was happy about that. Speaking of Violet, my method of changing her "being dry in the morning" reward from suckers to stickers on a calender must have been what she needed. She's been dry every morning for the last week, with the exception of one morning. I'm so proud of her. I think she could have done it all along, because this last week seems to be a breeze for her. The last two nights though, she's woken up in the middle of the night and crawls into bed with us. Dave doesn't wake up, I wake up only for a moment to take her back to her own bed, snuggle with her for a few minutes, and tuck her back in. Every time I change Calvin's diaper, she asks "Did he poop or did he pee?" and when I tell her what he did, she crosses her arms and says "Aww maaan, Calvin doesn't get a surprise." because he's ALWAYS wet.....ha! Its snowing, again. We just got 4 inches yesterday or the day before, I can't remember. But just as we shovel off the last of the snow on the driveway, it dumps again. Dave has been working on the snowblower late in the evening, but it doesn't work. So, good old fashioned shoveling has been the ticket lately. Its a lot of work.


  1. Thanks for writing. Keep it up!
    Keep the faith!

  2. Way to go Maria!!!
    Talk about "doin'it to it and not messin' around"!

    Violet is so refreshing at this age!!

    Working out while yawning...been spunk...but after getting through it, sometimes the activity gives you a little more spunk during the rest of day so it can be just what you need.

    More snow comin they say...but half of the blizard predictions must have been hype tho...we cancelled everything in town and right now it's only breezy, not snowing, getting cold, and the moon is shining bright...anyway tell Dave to not lift and twist at the same time to protect his back and keep heavy loads close to the body and lift with his legs.
    Love you all,
