Wednesday, January 28, 2009

not a good night

Last night as I was getting ready for bed around 11:45 pm, guess who walks into my bathroom? Violet! Ugh...she was wide awake. She was like, "Mom! Nap time is over! I'm awake now!" Its hard to explain to a kid her age that its not nap time, its bed time and she needed to sleep another 8 hours. Then Calvin woke up screaming and coughing sort of croup-like, the barking type of cough. I took her to the bathroom and she went potty, and then I tucked her back into bed. She started crying pretty hard and said she was thirsty. She asked for a sippy cup of apple juice, so I got her one. I wasn't about to argue with her, so I gave her a sippy cup filled with 1/2 water 1/2 apple juice and put a pull up on her because I knew she'd drink the whole cup dry and then wet the bed. I knew Calvin's throat probably hurt too since mine was sore and Violet was complaining about being thirsty. I went to the basement and brought up the warm mist humidifier from Dave's office. I put some of the Vick's inhalant on the humidifier and plugged it in the hallway outlet, and slowly opened his door and shoved the humidifier in as far as it would go. I am glad he got himself back to sleep on his own. Sure enough, at 3 am she came walking into my room again and said she had to go potty. Her pull up was soaked, and she peed even more on the toilet. I took her back to bed and she came walking in to my room again at 6 am wanting to sleep with me. I walked her back to her bed again. She and Calvin both slept until 9 am. When I went into Calvin's room to get him up, the room was warm, moister than the rest of the house, and I could smell the Vick's stuff at work. He seemed better! I'm really tired though. I'm not used to Violet keeping me awake at night. She's really crabby and whiny today from not getting much sleep either. She says she misses daddy, and when she talks to him on the phone, she asks him if he's sad because he isn't home. This morning I made the kids scrambled eggs and toast. As I was cooking it on the stove, Violet comes in the kitchen and says "Oh my word, mom! Breakfast is almost ready!" and later as Calvin was playing with toys (and its always the toys that he picks up that she is interested in), she freaks out and wants to grab the toys from his hand, even if he didn't take them FROM her. I told her to stop, and she says "But MOM! I'm fus-ter-ated with Calvin!" and later, I say " Violet, your food is ready!" she responds with "Aww! Thats nice, mom!" and later "This is good food!" and later "Its hot. It came out of that pan - that is why it is hot." We're heading up to Mason City today sometime this afternoon.


  1. I have a lot of those nights. Don't you get sick of hearing that it is our "season"... I do!

  2. Yes! As much as I know its true, it is much more comforting to just get a little sympathy at that moment rather than advice.

  3. Hey I remember when I would 'pick up' the toys you were most interested in and get you 'fus-ter-ated'....Game Boy, Computer, red 'meeting' pillow, etc :)
