Friday, January 09, 2009

First the bathroom mirror, now the

window. Out of the blue today...again...something broke. I was sitting in the living room by myself (thankfully both kids were sleeping) and one of the outside window panes of glass shattered. My first instinct was to look quickly to see if some kid had thrown something at the window, like a hard snowball, but nothing. It was silent out there. No dead birds, nobody, nothing. I guess the cold made it shatter. *shrug* I have nooo idea. Kind of freaked me out though. First the bathroom mirror falls off the wall in the bathroom by itself, and now the window shatters all by itself. Thankfully its the outer pane of window, not the inside one, so its not like cold air is all of a sudden pouring into the house. So, its manageable now, but now we have something else to put on the "to do" list. *sigh* So weird. I asked Dave to come up and look at it, and he said he's seen windows break like that before from the cold. Maybe there was too much of a pressure change in the atmosphere? I guess we'll never really know. broken window


  1. Did you give your house a good spiritual cleanse before moving in?

  2. apparently not! lol

  3. Maria:
    My office back door glass shattered one time also. The glass people explained it like you suggested, temperature and such.
