Thursday, August 18, 2011

Violet's first day of kindergarten

She told me last night she was a little bit nervous, a little bit scared, and a little bit excited.  She said, "Mom, I don't know how make friends."  So I said, "Well, you could start like this.  'Hi, I'm Violet, what is your name?' " And she said, "yeah! I can do that!" So, I think she'll be just fine. :)
The Lord blessed our morning and "drop off" and made it a positive experience!  This morning wasn't as bad as I expected.  And by "bad"...I meant how early it was.  I guess the natural "glass half empty" side of me was expecting grumpy inconsolable kids because we had to wake them up earlier than they've woken up all summer.  Me included.  I woke up at 6:15 (normally I get up at 7:45) and the hardest part was NOT hitting snooze and going back to sleep.  I got out of bed and into the shower so I could get ready before all the kids woke up.  Since it was her first day, our whole family went with her for the drop off, the rest of the days either Dave or I will take her each school day.  I was showered and ready in 30 minutes, then Dave took my spot in the bathroom.  I woke up Violet out of a dead sleep.  I picked her up and took her downstairs to the big comfy rocking chair and rocked her for a couple minutes.  She slept on my shoulder and slowly woke up, rubbing her eyes.  She was cheerful though.  She smiled and kept snugging with me for another minute, then I got her dressed and got breakfast started.  She requested cream of wheat, so I made her a bowl. 

Dave came downstairs, then shortly after that, Calvin came downstairs.  He was wondering why everybody was awake.  He is usually the first one up and waking US up.  Violet stayed cheerful, she was really smiley and sweet, we snapped a few pictures, I got Vanessa out of bed (she was cheerful too! wow! her first word was "baba?" which means "pick up ALL my blankets and my little doll and take me downstairs!")  She can't leave a single blanket in her crib, she insists in me picking them all up.  The moment I lay her down to change her diaper though, she shoves them off her.

Violet posed like a pro for all her pictures...she knows her mama likes to snap a ton of pictures.  On the way, she was quiet, Dave talked to her about a few things.  She got a little half smile when we got close, and when we walked into the school I could tell she felt confident because she smiled at everyone she knew.  At Waterloo Christian School, there are quite a few people that go to our church, so there were a lot of friendly familiar faces smiling back at here.  We saw Bobbie and Teresa, Whitney, and Doriece Stickfort.  At the end of the hallway is the K classroom.  There was a short line, and we waited behind 2 other families.  Miss Smits was behind the "check in" table, and when it was our turn, she gave Violet a huge smile and she walked right up.  Miss Smits said welcome, and asked her if she brought a cold lunch or if she wanted a hot one.  She said "hot lunch".  I don't think she knew what the difference was, we didn't pack her food so she will eat whatever is served for lunch there.  We had a moment or two to take a couple pictures then, one with dad, one with mom, and then a teacher's assistant took her backpack and school supplies, and we said goodbye.  She walked right into her classroom and didn't even look back.  I was a little sad, but there was so much commotion going on in the hallway and I had to grab Calvin's hand to guide him out the right way with Dave pushing the stroller with Vanessa in it.  We chatted with some people on the way out the door, got in the van, and took off.  So that's it!  I'll go get her at 3 pm.  I am sure I'll hear lots of things about her day later.

Calvin chose to ride back in Violet's car seat so he could see Vanessa.  On the way home he got grumpy because he wanted to go to the school's playground, but when we told him his preschool would have his own playground, he wanted to know what it looked like.  We told him the same one near our house with the little bridge and he got even grumpier because he doesn't like that playground.  He got really thirsty (there was no water in the car) so the ride back to our house was a little unpleasant with Calvin's attitude.  I fed myself and Vanessa breakfast while he played.  He quickly changed when we got home, grabbing stampers out of the closet, stamping paper, getting into playdough, finding his rockets, and now he's watching some short Cat in the Hat videos on on my other computer so I could sit and blog.

Now for some pics:

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