Friday, August 19, 2011

Thought this was worth blogging about - drive through difference

I was listening to the radio at some point in my driving around today and heard it was a day that Christians can do something special for others in the drive thru lanes by paying for the order of the car behind you.  I also read about the idea online earlier in the day.  So, I thought that would be something nice to do.  I made a point to remember to drive through Starbucks on my way home from picking up Violet, so I did.  I pulled up to the drive through window and there were a couple cars ahead of me.  I was really, really hoping someone else would drive through the line behind me so I could pay for them...but nobody showed up.

I figured as long as I was sitting at the order window I'd get something simple and inexpensive, like an iced coffee.  I pulled up to the window to pay for and pick up my drink, and the lady working in Starbucks said "Oh, the lady ahead of you paid for your drink."  I was floored!  Never once in my life had that ever happened to me!  And the ONE day I sought out to do this for someone else, I ended up being the recipient.  Crazy how the Lord worked that one out. :)


  1. Surprise!
    What goes around comes around!

  2. Oh I didn't know that was a way for Christians to make themselves known today (or yesterday since it's so late) did you hear about it!
    What a nice surprise!!

  3. Is it every Friday is a "drive-thru difference" day? The Christian Radio station does that a lot and you can even print something out for the cashier to give to the person behind you. I did that one time but just wrote "Jesus Loves YOU!" On a piece of paper I had in my purse. Fun that you got a free coffee!

  4. I am as surprised as you were as I read it! Jaw on the floor. What an awesome story. Veeeeery cool!
