Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Calvin's first day of preschool

He was in a good mood this morning, which always helps when doing something for the first time.  It was a little chilly outside and raining, so he chose to wear a long sleeved shirt.  He picked a Cars shirt that lights up, and found it really exciting that he had two things that lit up (his shoes light up).  After taking Violet to school, we got Calvin ready for his first day of preschool at Orchard Hill Church Preschool, the same preschool where Violet went.  I took some pictures of him by the door as I have taken of Violet year after year.  He is almost the exact same height as her compared to the height she was when she started the 3-4 yr preschool class.  Vanessa wanted in on the picture action, standing by the door and smiling like Calvin. 

Dave was able to get away from work for 30 minutes to come with me.  Calvin walked in with us (Vanessa in stroller) and he found his name and put his backpack on the hook.  When we walked in the classroom, Miss Jesse greeted him with a big smile.  He was pretty quiet, but responded to her with a smiling nod when she asked him if he brought along his happy smile.  He was acting a little shy.  He told Dave he wanted to say his Bible verse to the teacher.  Dave encouraged him to do so, so Calvin walked right up to her and started reciting his verse.  She looked a little confused but kept smiling.  He said "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love in honor giving preference to one another." and most of his speech was hard to understand, so she said excitedly, "really!?" to him.  I think he was happy he did it.  I bet she was a little confused.  We took a couple pictures, gave kisses/hugs and said goodbye, and he walked further into the classroom, probably looking for the train set that he had been talking about for weeks since the open house.  He didn't cry or get upset when we left, he just stayed pretty quiet and mellow, but still happy, so that is a good sign.  I asked him if he wanted me to come in to pick him up, or drive up the van by the side door.  He said "drive up the van."

 He found his name by the right hook.

 Miss Jesse, his teacher.

I will update when I go pick him up in about 20 minutes.  I made him some chocolate chip cookies (with m&ms like he requested) as an after preschool treat to celebrate his first day!  Having a cookie might be the only thing he remembers about the whole day, we'll see.

Calvin's reactions:

I picked him up and he walked to the van with Miss Jesse with a big smile on his face, he was excited to see me.  He buckled up on his own, his teacher said he had a great day!  I pulled ahead to let him buckle up, then drove home.  He said there was a kid there trying to put a hat on him but he didn't like it, and he said he asked them to stop over and over because he didn't like it.  He said:
- Miss Jesse read a book to them about the first day of school
- snack was something black and peaches (I probably won't ever figure out what the black stuff was, who knows...)  * Later he said the stuff was brown, I wonder if it was chocolate pudding?
- She sang a song but he didn't sing because he didn't like the song.
- He didn't play with the trainset but found other toys, something squishy.
- They played outside in the little park.
- Addison brought the snack, her name starts with the letter A and there is also a D in her name.
- He thought it "was his day but it wasn't." I couldn't figure out what this referred to until I realized he thought it was his day to bring the snack. 


  1. What an account...you had me in suspense.
    Sounds like Calvin coped pretty well for his first day! How did the parent's do?
    He's such a likeable kid...he'll do fine!

  2. Oh I was going to add how welcomed and special kids feel when they have their name on something...for the first weeks of pre-school gymnastics, the kids would find their cloud or flower or animal or whatever on the mat with their name on it (in chalk) and they were to sit on their "spot". Whenever we needed to regroup, they were to go to their "spots" and they sure owned it! Each secure and ready for the next
    anyway, glad pre-school is kid-friendly.
    I'm impressed that Calvin is willing to speak the Word. "from the mouth of babes"
    ( - :
