Thursday, August 18, 2011

Great first day of kindergarten for Violet - her reactions

Ok, so I feel like I'm blogging a lot about this subject...I guess there's just a lot to say!

I went to pick up Violet today, and when I watched her teacher walk out the back door of the school, all the kids were lined up behind her.  Miss Smits walked with the kids closer to the car.  Violet was the first one in line, so I stepped out of the car, and she ran towards me with her arms open for a BIG hug!  She was an arm full with her big backpack on her back!  I held her for a moment and hugged her.  She was excited to wriggle down and walk with me to the car.  She was really excited, and started talking a million words a minute.  The first thing she said was "mom! Guess what was so fun?!  When we laid down to rest on our pillows, the teacher said she was going to take a loooong feather and tickle our arms when she wanted us to get up!" And that was the beginning of the stories.  Another one was "Mom! Guess what! God ANSWERED MY PRAYER!!  I prayed last night that he would help me make a friend, and I made TWO friends!  He answered me!!!"  She was just beaming at the fact that He answered her!  I love it!  She said the names of her friends are Hannah and Sailor.  I don't know how if it was Selah or Sailor, she couldn't remember exactly.  She said because God answered her prayer, she said she can trust Him now.
I can't reiterate all the stories for memory, so I'm going to start a bullet list of what I remember that she told me:

- she was a little sad when we left in the morning but started playing right away and had fun
- they went outside for recess three times.
- the playground has a big section she called a castle and it had a big ladder
- she saw Amber and Levi Smith.  She thought in her head "is that Levi?" then when his head turned toward her she thought "yeah! it is!" and she said "Hi Levi!" and he said hi back.
- the teacher closed her eyes, counted to 10, and when she finished counting to ten, all the kids had to be sitting
- lunch was a beef sandwich, peaches, carrots, milk and a popsicle.  She ate everything but left a bit of her sandwich because she said she was full
- teacher gave them oreo cookies
- she got really hot during the day (I told her I'd put her hair up in a ponytail for tomorrow, she thought that would be a great idea, with a pretty ribbon)
- she colored, wrote her name on a paper
- daddy guessed her locker number was 15, she said "one inch down!" and he said 14, and she said, yep!
- she said her teacher is really fun
- she said the only bad part of her day was when they all had to come in from the playground.


  1. Thanks for writing

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!!!
    What a landmark day!
    It will be so affirming for her to recounts the many stories and experiences to you and Dave, both good and bad.
    Remind her for me that "bad" things are sometimes allowed by God to teach us things let Violet know its not "just school" that God brings into our lives for our learning, but everything we grow up with and encounter is used by God to train us in His ways. Some unpleasant things teach us patience, acceptance, grace, problem solving, and empathy...but if we avoid or shy away from difficulty or "pain" we'll won't be a strong Christian.
    "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." I Thess. 5: 23
