Monday, June 01, 2009


We took a stab at a little spot by the front of our yard and re-did the landscaping. The original look was bushes, bushes, more bushes and overgrown creepy crawling bushes, we both felt it looked really messy. There was even a dead rose bush. Sooo, Dave got a little impulsive, grabbed the hedge trimmer, and whacked off a huge part of the creeping bush thing that was covering the ground. He cut off enough to expose all the roots, and pulled out the rest of the root system by attaching a strong nylon strap to the truck, wrapping the other end around the base of the plant down near the roots. He pulled the truck forward a few inches and it easily ripped right out of the ground. Success! We replaced that spot with a white gardenia plant, and in front near the sidewalk, we planted a few flowers (white shasta daisy, another purple flower that I can't remember the name of that will grow tall and vertical, and yellow flower, lined with impatients on the edge). We also worked on the base of the two front yard trees. Weeded, dug up the pathetic daffodils that barely bloomed, and replaced the base of the tree with fresh cedar mulch. It all looks so much better, I am looking forward to seeing the flowers start blooming! Violet did her best to get in the way and try be a good helper (but she mostly got dirty and messy), and poor Calvin was in the pack and play outside with us, half of the time occupied with watching cars, playing with toys and oohing over airplanes, and half of the time hanging onto the edge screaming. We kept him in the shade and he eventually learned that our work day was not about him.

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