Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today just wasn't my day

I suppose we all need to have days like I had this morning to appreciate the good ones. Calvin happily greeted me when I got him out of bed this morning. I cuddled with him for just a minute in my bed, and he sat up on my tummy and then his head came crashing down on my face. I think he was just trying to be fun and playful, but his forehead smashed into my lips, making my teeth break open my lower lip so badly that it started gushing blood. I took some ibuprofen and iced it for about 30 minutes. It is raw and very tender. I couldn't sip my cup of coffee this morning! I had planned to go to the park this morning to meet some friends and let our kids all play together. Deciding to go is one thing, making that happen was another. I got the kids fed and then sprayed them down with sunscreen. Violet made the (unknowing, of course) bad mistake of rubbing her eye with the back of her wrist that I had just sprayed sunscreen with. She started whining about her eyes and then it turned into blood curling screams. The sunscreen was obviously burning her eyes. I had to pin her down on the counter next to the kitchen sink and use the gentle sprayer to wash out her eyes. This is a girl who hates water in her eyes, and can't stand a drop near them in the bath tub. She screamed through all that - three eye rinses. She was so hysterical that it took her 15 minutes to stop gasping for air. She wanted to just grab her blankies and go to bed - she was so exhausted from that whole ordeal. Poor Calvin was strapped into his car seat patiently waiting the whole time. I finally got her satisfied and in her car seat, so I grabbed my diaper bag and purse, and left. On my way, I realized I forgot to pack a lunch! We always pack lunches and eat there so the kids are fed before we go home and ready for naps. I decided to pick up some chicken nuggets from McDonalds instead just so I didn't have to waste more time (I was late already) making sandwiches for 15 more minutes. As I left the McDonald's drive through, I looked in the back seat and realized Calvin was bare foot. I had forgotten his shoes in the middle of Violet's eye burning mess. So I went back home thinking that I would just quick grab his shoes and leave again, but I found Dave in the kitchen sopping up leaking water. I wondered what was going on!! The 2 gallon water filter that was sitting on the counter top somehow was leaking water from the spout. I guess when I pulled the lever to fill up my water bottle, it was left just a little bit pulled, not retracted all the way to stop the flow of water. All of the groceries that Sean and April had sitting on the counter got soaked, including our box of vitamins. I was quite upset...I can usually handle these things alright, but it just felt like too much stuff happened in too short of a time. I helped Dave move all the groceries and sop up the water as best I could. But he was in a hurry to leave because he had an appointment with the Blood Center of Iowa to donate some blood. We cleaned up quick and left. It was a super hot humid day, too. The kids didn't feel like playing in the beating sun, so they ended up whining most of the time (and not eating their food, of course). The did play for awhile on some riding toys. Calvin even got distracted by a deep mud puddle - and ended up muddy from head to toe. I just stripped him down to his diaper and left. I got home, got the kids cleaned up (Calvin got a bath in the laundry room sink!), and in bed as quick as I could get them there. I shut ALL the windows in the house and turned on the air. I was just dripping wet, so it was just the right time to turn on the A/C. I relaxed for a little bit, and as soon as it had started, nap time was over, and both kids were awake and whining about being hungry. A half hour later (and after she ate a couple cold chicken nuggets), I saw the mail lady drop off our mail, so I went outside really quick to grab the mail. I got back to the house to find myself locked out. Violet had shut and locked the dead bolt to the house, and it was so tightly shut that she could not re-open it. I yelled at her to go get daddy. He came upstairs after a minute or so and let me in. I don't know what I would have done if Dave wasn't home. The garage was shut, I didn't have a key, and all the other doors were locked. She was not strong enough to do it herself. Somehow she locked it. But she couldn't get it open. UGHHHHH. I'm sort of wanting to shut myself in a closet and not go anywhere else for the rest of the day.

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