Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A conversational morning

The kids both slept in til 9 am this morning. For good reason, too. They were up too late because Dave and I were running errands getting things done last night. We made a trip to Home Depot, Sam's Club, and two book stores. We didn't get home til 9 pm and Violet didn't fall asleep until 10 or so. Violet came wandering into my room at 9 am and said "Mommy, where's daddy? I can't find him. I looked in the garage, and the van and the truck are still here, but I still can't find him." He had gone down to his office to jump on a conference call. She then climbed into bed with me and said "Aww, I love you mom." and gave me a hug and a cuddle. I went into our bathroom and Violet followed me like she always does with every single one of my morning steps. She caught a glimpse of a bar of soap next to the bath tub. She picked it up and said "Ooh! This is pretty! Its all sparkley. Why is this soap so sparkley?" I tried to explain to her that they were exfoliating beads, but she didn't really get it. She picked it up, smelled it, and said "Ooh! This smells like oatmeal and pancakes!" That was the end of the sweet funny conversation. She started whining about being hungry and whined about who opened the front door, it all sort of went down hill from there. She ended up in time out twice before she even got breakfast. At least the beginning of my day was sweet! Calvin is always excited to see me. When he wakes up, he makes so much noise that I can't help go right up there and see him. He jumps up and down in his crib like its a trampoline. He had an enormous appetite this morning, probably since he didn't eat supper the night before. His favorite breakfast is either pancakes or oatmeal with banana chunks in it. This weekend is going to be really fun! I am taking a trip to New York City with my sister Rachel to visit my aunt Ruth and uncle Michael. They live downtown Manhattan in Tribeca. I hope the time is relaxing. I'm really looking forward to spending more time with Rachel, because since getting married and having kids, we rarely get time to ourselves anymore. We'll both fly out on Thursday night and return on Monday afternoon. Calvin is going to spend the time at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Mason City from Thurs to Monday, and Dave is taking Violet with him to Minnesota because he's in a good friend's wedding on Sunday afternoon. He will be leaving on Friday for MN though, because the rehearsal dinner is Friday, the bachelor party is Saturday, and the wedding is Sunday.

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