Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One year ago today

This is the 1 yr mark from when the flood hit the peak of its height and landed 2 feet of water on the main floor of our river house on Cottage Row Rd. I never thought a year could crawl by so slowly. There was (and still is) SO much waiting and there has never been such a time in my life of so much uncertainty. I am not even sure what I thought life would be like in a year since that day. I couldn't really think at that time much past that day, tomorrow always seemed like too much, so I lived in each day with out thinking much past that. But God has been amazingly faithful. I know he caused those events to occur in our lives for a reason. Tough times force us to trust in Him to carry us through and work out the details that seem impossible. He knows we are so weak and needs those challenges in our lives to look to Him. If life was great, it would be easier to just forget about God. I asked Dave in passing if he wanted to do to commemorate a year's worth of survival after such an event, and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "nah". I agreed. The event isn't the attention anymore, its HIS faithfulness that I remember. I read a book in its entirety over the weekend (mostly on the airplane rides) called Captivating, written by Stasi Eldredge. It was a page turner for me, I couldn't stop reading until I was done, and I'll probably read it again. It made me laugh out loud, it made a few tears fall down my cheeks, and touched my heart in a special way. It seemed to be just the thing I needed to read. It is a book dedicated to the unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul and what it is to be a woman, and why a woman was created the way God designed her to, and how to stay true to that. I would recommend it to any woman for encouraging reading. It isn't a "how to be a better wife/mom/woman/lady/person"...not at all...its just really great.

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