Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I've been playing catch up

all week. I'm just now washing the sheets and towels from the weekend. I think I'm behind because I feel sick. My head starts throbbing when I bend over or stand up, and my nose is stuffy. Dave has been making me take all my vitamins (he's my reminder, like the only thing he DOES remember to do is take his vitamins daily!) and extra vitamin C. I'm fine if I just sit still for awhile, but life does not allow me to do that. I didn't have much for dinner tonight, but I did see hash browns in the freezer, bacon and eggs in the fridge, and bread for making toast. So we had a big breakfast for dinner tonight. Violet thought it was funny to eat breakfast food for supper. She ate most of her scrambled eggs, a slice of bacon, a piece of toast and a little of the hash browns. We didn't dare tell her they were potatoes, for whenever there is a potato item on her plate (mashed, baked, whatever), she says she doesn't like potatoes. ("banadoes" she calls them) I told her the hash browns were like french fries, and she went for it, and apparently liked it. We had a few super strong thunderstorms blow through very quickly in the last few hours. I noticed about 4 pm that the sky was getting REALLY dark. I took the kids downstairs and turned on the news, and watched the bright red radar move across Iowa and land in the Cedar Falls area. The worst passed in about an hour. There were a few REALLY loud thunder claps afterwards that shook the house (I could feel it under my feet like an earthquake!), but nothing else. After "dinner", we went to the mall so Dave could get some shopping done. In the last few weeks, all of his shorts have either gotten stained or ripped, so he was down to one pair. He called ahead before we left to see who had sales going, and he ended up getting 5 pairs at half off all the prices. Not too bad. Violet had to go to the bathroom at the mall twice. She is really chatty with strangers. She is happy to say "hi!" and then proceed to tell them that mommy is pushing Calvin, and daddy is looking for clothes. Most people just smile and keep walking. I think she told that same story to about 3 different people. Calvin is under the weather, too. He has a really hoarse cough that sounds croupy. Today he has been really whiny and clingy and wanting to be held. Wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that he's well over 26 pounds now and a lunk to carry around. I hope a good night's sleep will help him feel better. I was hoping for the same thing myself yesterday (since I took a nap on Monday afternoon while the kids slept), but it didn't help. Naps during the day almost make me feel worse, especially if I'm woken up by a very cranky child.

1 comment:

  1. lol!! i'm giggling at the part where violet is chatty with strangers and told them proudly that mommy is pushing calvin and daddy is looking for clothes. these blogs are always good for a laugh. i hope you and calvin are feeling better.
