Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A very welcome home coming

My flights home on Monday were much more relaxing than I hoped, it was nice. The first flight I didn't have anybody sitting next to me, and the 2nd flight I was in a row by myself. I spent 99% of the time reading my latest book called Captivating. I found it to be a real page turner, the time just flew by. I was really ready to come home by the time our trip was over. I drove into the driveway at 4:30 pm and Dave and Calvin were outside waiting for me. As soon as Calvin saw me he started crying because he couldn't TO me right away. Dave plopped him in the truck with me for a moment and he cried "mama!!" over and over. He seemed very happy. I was really glad to see Dave, too. We talked for a while and waited for Violet to wake up from a late nap. She was really excited to see me when she got up. She ran into my arms and gave me a long, long hug for probably 10 minutes. Dave told me she was beaming ear to ear when I told her how much I loved her and how glad I was to have her back with me. She was happy to know that I came home like I said I was going to. We had a fun night together. We were all happy to be in the same place again. We took the kids to Southdale park, then out to eat for pizza at Old Chicago. When I tucked Violet into bed, she cried and cried, she was sad thinking that she wasn't going to see me again, so I climbed in bed and snuggled with her for a little bit, and promised her that I would be here in the morning, and I promised her that she could help me make pancakes in the morning. We did just that this morning. Today is back to regular life. We went to a park for a couple hours and got McDonalds for lunch at the drive thru. This house didn't have much left for food in it, so I spent nap time at the grocery store. I got some yummy chicken marinade, lots of fresh veggies and fruit, and yogurt. I was afraid to check my email this morning, not having checked it for 5 days. There were only 38 messages, that is managable. Rachel has all the pictures from our trip on her computer. She's going to send them to me soon.


  1. Thanks for the descriptive comments. Violet was not complaining about missing you when she was here. She must have saved that for when she got home.
    Jo says she misses them! I do to.


  2. I posted some photos in a album on my facebook. MOstly in the gym and home things.

  3. they definitely saved up all their emotions. Seems like today they are still adjusting to being home with me - the eldest just wouldn't stop whining! Thanks for posting the pics on FB, looks like they had a great time.
