Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Calvin called me the other day

And we actually had somewhat of a conversation. Kala and I were at the mall shopping (trying on a hundred shirts in a dressing room) when I heard my cell phone ring in my purse. The caller ID said Dave's cell, so I answered with a "hi!" and then I heard some rustling around. I kept saying "hello?" wondering if maybe he called me by mistake. Then I heard a little "hiiiii" and I could tell it was Calvin's voice. I started asking him questions and he was answering me! I said "hi Calvin! Are you with daddy?" and I hear a little "mmm-hmmm". So thinking it was a fluke, I asked him another question: "Are you with Violet?".... "mmm-hmmm" again. "Do you miss mommy?"..."mmm-hmmm" again. And then he said "mama!!" then Dave picked up the phone and was like "did you call me?" and then lots of screaming in the background because the phone was obviously ripped out of Calvin's hands. Dave was really confused, but both of us thought it was so fun that Calvin managed to call me and "talk" a little. haaa!!

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