Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day today

Violet was (as usual) the first one awake. Dave woke up right when she did and swept her downstairs, I was still a little groggy, but I knew something was up. I hopped in the shower quick and started to get dressed and Violet and Dave walked back into our room. V was ecstatic to give me two cards - one from "the kids" and one from Dave, they were both very sweet. Violet had written Calvin's name and her name on the cards from the kids. Dave gave me a gift card with some money worth enough to buy me some new shirts for my trip to NYC next month!! :) Dave made pancakes for breakfast for the family, and I got a biiig heart shaped pancake. It was sweet. He tried a new pancake recipe with mashed banana in it, it was yummy. We ate out for lunch and tried taking our lunch to a picnic table outside, but it was just a little too chilly and windy, so we decided to take our food back home. When the kids went down for naps, I went to Hy-Vee and picked up a couple flats of annual flowers (marigolds and some other bright red flower) to plant below our mailbox. Dave and I both worked on it, it came out really nice. I love seeing a punch of color there to break up all the green. We also planted some canna bulbs in the back yard, but we're not sure if they're going to grow - it is a little late to be planting those. We tried to relax during the kids' nap times. I was perfectly satisfied to sit at the table and peruse through the Sunday paper. Dave was a little more antsy, torn between getting the lawn mowed and staying with me inside trying to relax. We made a trip to Walmart to get our annual "make cupcakes for mommy on Mother's Day" thing (its turning into an annual thing - V and Dave made them last year for me), so this year I picked out chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting, and requested that a white creamy filling be injected into the cupcakes. They did a good job. Violet got to break the eggs (eek!), scoop the batter into the muffin tins. I tried putting Calvin to bed at that point (it was 7 pm), and V and I went out for "a walk" which meant I walked and she rode her trike. We rode around the neighorhood again, and went all around the parking lot again north of Orchard Hill Church. When we got home, Dave was still working on injecting cream into the cupcakes, and Calvin was screaming. Poor kid, apparently he wasn't ready for bed yet - so I let him get up and run around for an hour, and after that hour he was definitely ready. Violet went to bed in a really whiney and crabby mood - not the best way to end the day. But overall, it was a nice day, and I appreciate all the effort Dave made to make this day special for me. :D

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