Sunday, May 17, 2009

It is going to be a fun week!

I am looking forward to this week. Dave's cousin Kala is coming to visit from Ohio. She said she's going to take off from her house tomorrow morning and make the drive in one day - I wonder when she'll be here? She is coming to give of her time and energy to help us and also get to know us better. She's such a sweet girl and very thoughtful and caring. She has spent many weeks out of this summer traveling to see many members of her family in PA and the Bahamas, we're flattered that she would pick a week out of her summer to spend with us. Violet is really excited to see her. She remembers her from visits in the past when we've gone to Ohio, and last year they came out to see us, and she and Violet connected via sharing cell phones, lol. Josh and Carrie (and Austin and Renee) are also coming out to visit next weekend for Memorial Day weekend, arriving some time on Friday and leaving Monday. It'll be a house full! This past weekend was tough on me and Dave. He spent all of his spare time at the river house working on damaged stuff - leaky pipes, a busted toilet, shocking the well water (the buyer wants to get a water sample), and he had to run back and forth to the store many times to fix things that kept breaking. I "got stuck" with kid duty all weekend, and didn't get a break. Dave misses the kids and me, and we haven't connected as a couple much lately. I sort of feel like we're doing the roommate thing lately. We might get a date night next week with Kala here. She mentioned babysitting so we could go out. I don't know if we're going to keep our committments to going to our regular Tues and Wed night groups - I'm feeling really overwhelmed with "stuff" going on and want to slow down and do nothing for awhile, especially since Kala will be here. Time with her is going to be brief. I haven't mentioned these plans to Dave yet, I will have to ask him and see what he thinks.

1 comment:

  1. We talked about ditching Tues and Wed night stuff too. It probably won't happen though.
