Thursday, May 07, 2009

Calvin - 16 months - I think we have another singer

At his 15 mo appointment he was an ounce shy of 25 pounds. No wonder he's a lug to carry around places. He might not have words to sing, but the kid can hum on tune. I just got done putting him to bed, and before I lay him down in his crib, we always snuggle and rock in place while I sing Jesus Loves Me. He knows the tune to this song in little spurts. I put him in his crib tonight, and he rolled over and looked up at me, and started humming it. He has also picked up a few tunes from a couple songs we always listen to in the car when we're driving. Violet recognizes that he hums the tune and picks up on it with the words. He loves it also when I "play" with his food and do the airplane trick. Zooooooom around goes his food in the air and eventually into his mouth. He giggles every time I do it. And he picks up his own food pieces and goes "Oooooohhhh!" and throws the food to copy the effect. Its too cute. He doesn't say a whole lot, but I know he understands plenty. He is beginning to understand simple commands and obeying them, like "Pick this up and bring it to me." or "Go get your blanket". And that blanket...he's got an addiction problem. There are times when he is left with people who baby sit for him, and when I come back to pick up the kids, he is so excited to see me and runs up to me, but he stops short and realizes he doesn't have his special blankie and pacifier to snuggle with. He stops in his tracks, looks around frantically for his blanket and paci before I can pick him up and greet him. The blanket is already looking rather dingy, and I have to be strategic about taking it away so I can wash it in the washer.

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