Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another word or two, and an Awww

This morning when I got Calvin out of his crib, I could smell that he was poopy, so I changed his diaper first thing. He still had his paci in his mouth and was clutching his favorite blue blankie. When I was done and got him all zippered up (I just left on his PJs for the morning), I picked him up and he caught a glimpse of the dirty diaper I was going to dump in the toilet. He pointed, got all jumpy in my arms, quickly grabbed his paci out of his mouth, and proudly said "Poo-poo!" It totally made my morning. :) Most of his vocab consists of grunts, screeches and crying, and a few words. He can say mama, hi (usually accompanied with a clumsy wave), bye-bye, uh-oh, and now poopoo. Sometimes he will say "ah-dah" for "all done", but not consistently. He is learning to jump, too. He gets flight when pushing off the floor with two feet. He woke up earlier than Violet after naps today, so he was watching a baby video. Violet woke up a half hour after he did, she joined him on the couch, and as soon as he noticed her, he got excited and said "hhhiiiii" and leaned in to give her a big squeeze. It was too cute. Violet reciprocated the hug (of course I didn't get a pic).

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