Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yuck, I'm sick.

I hate being sick. Who doesn't? Carrie called me this afternoon asking if I was nauseous (sp?) and I said no, but I've been throwing up and having to sit in the bathroom a lot today. She said she felt the same way, but no throwing up. I tried eating 1/2 a banana but it made me feel worse and that came up too. Calvin has had really loose poops the last 2 days and I thought it was from the grapes I fed him on Sunday, but it seems like that has passed and he's still got loose stools. Poor little guy screams from a bad diaper rash every time I change him. :( I have the chills, then 15 minutes will pass, and I'm flaming hot. Sitting is uncomfortable, my back just aches. I am so glad the kids are taking good naps today. Calvin took almost a 3 hour nap today from 10 to 1, and Violet asked me for a nap by 2 pm and fell asleep without a hint of argument or whining. I laid her in bed, she stayed still, I put the blankets over her, and she was out. It seems that hasn't happened for a year!! Bedtime is usually a huge struggle. God must have known to let the mirror break last night when I wasn't sick so I'd have the mental and physical strength to pick all the glass pieces up, because if that had happened today, I would have gated off the upstairs and not let the kids downtairs and I'd be sleeping in bed. Man...I hate, hate, hate being sick. I won't be able to play volleyball tonight either. Dave is driving home from Chicago right now for his 2nd leg of the trip home from the UP. He should be home by 7 pm, and I hope not a minute later. I can't wait for him to get here.

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