Thursday, November 20, 2008

I feel better!

It must have just been one of those famous 24 hour stomach bugs. I took some immodium, a probiotic, some vitamins, and got a lot of sleep last night. My head feels a little foggy, but my body is refreshed and I am not throwing up nor do I feel like it today. I've even eaten a little today...a bowl of cereal, and a carrot. Dave was a big helper last night. He got home, and put both kids to bed while I laid on the floor covered up with a big blanket next to the fire place. He was absolutely exhausted when he got home after driving a whole day, 10 or 11 hours in the car. Calvin went down around 7:30, and Violet finally got to bed by 9 pm. She was just a ball of energy, SO excited to see her dad. So she was harder to get to sleep. I should have set up the video camera for the moment he walked in the door, because it was so sweet. I was laying on the couch and I heard the garage door open so I knew he'd be walking in the door any minute. I said "Violet! I think daddy is home!" She got the most excited look on her face, and then the garage door shut and the door to the house opened. He walked in, and she just tore across the house yelling "Daddy is home!" and gave him a huge hug!! He was grinning so big. Calvin even got in on the excitement and toddled over there screeching. He picked them both up and enjoyed that moment. Aww. Its laundry day around here. I am working on my 3rd load. All of Dave's hunting stuff needed to be washed, including his sleeping bag, lots of warm clothes which are huge and bulky, and sheets and towels. Its one kid down, one kid up today. Calvin took a nap, then Violet went down for a nap, then he woke up, then he went down for another nap, then she woke up...I wonder when he's going to wake up? He's been very sensitive lately. Anything seems to set him off screaming, especially if I walk away from a room that he is in. That makes it hard to get anything done.

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