Monday, November 24, 2008

Calvin and his blankie

Didn't I just do laundry the other day? Well, I did lots more today. 3 loads. Anyway, that is besides the point. I remembered laundry because I washed Calvin's special blankie today. I think he's forming an attachment to one. It has two sides, one super slippery like satin, one side is really soft with raised bumps. His name is even embroidered on it. I've discovered him in the morning when he wakes up clutching this special blanket. When I put him to bed for a nap or bedtime, he always looks for it, and lays on it and rubs it between his hands and his face as he sucks on his paci and falls asleep. Its just way too cute. I had to wash it because one of the first things he did this morning was throw up all over it. :( I guess his tummy was a little too full and when I hold him upright too quick, it all just comes right up. Blech. I'm just getting around to washing the sheets and making the guest bed up from when Carrie was here. I could have done it earlier, as with most things, but I was waiting for another load of laundry to wash with it so I didn't wash just one load of sheets. Time to vacuum, too. Violet hit a new low today with her almost-nightly vegetable battle. She walked over to the garbage and threw a handful in the garbage! I was so mad. I put her back in her chair, strapped her in, and went over to the garbage and fished out the veggies she threw away. I could only find a green bean and a couple peas, so I rinsed them off and put them back on her plate. The look on Violet's face was priceless. She was shocked I did that. But the girl needs to LEARN! She knows she's supposed to sit and finish those veggies. Its really up to her how long the torture continues. She finallllly finished them all. I hate food battles, I really do. But I can't just let her eat crap. Her reward was a brownie, but she only ate 1 bite of it. Guess she was full! Dave is over at the flooded house right now trying to get the tires off the old pick up truck that got completely submerged by the flood water. He is going to give the tires to his brother Sean who has a van on the same Ford chassis that will fit his van. The rubber tires on that pick up truck are brand spankin' new, so it would be a waste for them to go to the junkyard. I'm glad Sean can use them. We just need to ship them to him - which I think Sean is going to pay for. This is going to make the trip for Sean and April to come out to our house for Christmas!!! Dave is so excited to salvage something good from that thing. He just called me to tell me the tools he brought over there to get the bolts unscrewed are too small, so he is making a run to Farm and Fleet. He feels sick, tired, and dizzy...poor guy. There is so much to do between now and Christmas. So, it has been worked out for Dave's entire family to come to our house for Christmas. All his siblings are committed to coming! That means....*drumroll*....9 adults, and 14 children in my house for 5 days!!! AGH!!!! We're going to prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them, so the work will be done before they all get here. That is the work we need to do. Mostly food. Planning, organization, and delegation. This entertaining/hosting thing is fun and exciting, but its like a full time job!! Not to mention a little pricey. I need to get Violet off to bed!


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Hi Maria, Here's my thoughts:
    There will be 5 ladies - each one will be responsible for the meals for each day. But you pre-plan what they will be and have all of the supplies ahead of time...each one does the preparation...keep it very basic and simple...that means some are on kitchen duty, some are on little kid duty, and some are on bigger kid duty...and the Dads are not allowed to just sit and visit. Take a five day meal plan that covers all the basics and just quadruple the ingrediants. If you like, I can pick up box of 100 of those shaped plastic plates for you at Martin Brothers (hey they have fully prepared frozen meals you can buy there too - like speggtti and meatballs, etc.)and a box of 100 forks and spoons and knives and 5 big garage bag liners so you won't have to keep up with all of the dishes. Plus a stack of napkins...set it up just like a meeting...a buffet...put the main dishes and extras if any on the counter when ready and form a line and everyone sit on a circle of folding chairs with their plates in their laps except the kids on the tables. Have a water cooler.
    The men are responsible to clean up the cooking and serving dishes, pots and pans, etc. while the ladies clean up the kids, tables, floors, etc. Then the rule is NO SNAKING between meals. ha ha snacking!

  2. thanks mom :) We plan to get a lot of that bulk paper stuff at Sam's Club.
