Saturday, November 08, 2008

She's been a difficult one lately

I can't count on Violet actually taking a nap these days. She always gets up to do something she considers very important. "I was just washing my hands, mom!" or "I needed to go pee, mom!" The other day after her nap, she emerged from her room wearing a completely different pair of clothes (pajamas, actually), and when I got to her room later, there were books covering every surface of her bed. *eye roll* So who knows. At least she's quiet and not bothering me. She'll either take a short messed up nap, or a long one for 4 hours. Its so weird. She's also been uncharacteristically defiant lately. I guess every "almost 3" yr old goes through it...but since I'm just parting the waters of this new stage of toddlerhood, I have nothing to compare her to. She pushed one of her friends over last week at Puggles and threw a toy at another. Dave made her say "i'm sorry" to each friend....and she talks about saying sorry to those two friends all the time, especially during prayer time before nap and before bedtime. She always prays and says thank you for her saying sorry to her friends and she prays that she will be a nicer friend. Today Dave told her not to touch a bowl on the table. He got up and walked away, and what does she do? Looks at him (I was looking at her and she didn't know it) and puts her hand on the bowl while his back is turned. I alerted him to what she did and he immediately turned around, said "I know you touched that bowl. You need to listen to me and obey EVEN IF I'M NOT LOOKING" in a very serious tone. She got a spanking for being disobedient, cried on the couch for a couple minutes, then he talked to her. He said "Why did I spank you?" She said "because I disobeyed daddy and I lied." I don't know what the lying thing is about, but she directly said that she disobeyed daddy. This discipline thing is so hard. The beginning of the morning is always her first lie. We ask her if her pull up is wet, and she says "no, I'm dry" but its wet. I feel like we've been all over her and on her case all the time, but I guess if this is what it takes, we'll do it. She got so many spankings today. And she cried hard for each one, then we hugged and talk about it each time as to why she got each spank. On a completely different subject, we're feeling a little more settled into this house. We moved some furniture that we want to keep for later on to the basement from the garage. That cleared up a lot of space in the garage while we still have both vehicles in there together for a couple more weeks. I took a ton of pictures of things I want to sell and put them on Craiglist and Ebay today. Probably...15 different things, from lamps to dog clippers, to the hammock frame...just "stuff" that is good, but not useful to us any more. I've already got lots of emails from people asking if things are still available. Dave is going to be in California tomorrow through Tuesday night. He's going out to what they call the User Group Conference. I think that just means its a big conference that lots of their customers go to, and he's going to be a part of it. I was supposed to go out there with him for this weekend, but financially it didn't happen to bring me and the kids along. Maybe next time. I'd rather take a family trip without involving Dave's work anyway. Then he's going to be home for a day and a half, leaving again on Thursday to go to Chicago first to stay at Josh's house, then Josh and him are going up to the UP to hunt for a couple days with their dad. Its always been a "life long dream" for their dad to take his sons hunting, so I'm sure he'll overjoyed and happy to find out that Dave is joining Josh on this hunting adventure. (he doesn't know Dave is going yet, he thinks Josh is just bringing a friend)

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