Thursday, September 23, 2010

Violet and her words

Violet is really starting to put the puzzle pieces together in her mind with letters and words. She has known her phonics for a long time thanks to the Letter Factory video (she got hooked on that when she was 2!), and has recently started writing words. She took out a paper and pen yesterday and wrote out all the words she could think of. She wrote:

- mops
- hat
- top
- pop
- sit
- pen
- bat
and two attempts at longer words:
- pentl (she sounded out "pencil")
- cove (she tried writing "coffee")

She proudly showed us the paper each time she came up with a new word to write. Last week she watched the second Letter Factory video called "Talking Words Factory" and as she watched the video, she sat on the table writing down all the words the machine (Word Whammer!) was creating in it - there might have been 25 different words she wrote down. When we read books, she follows along with her fingers and points to the words as I read them and if I ask her to find a certain word she will figure out where the word is on the page (most of the time). I asked her to find "finger" in one of the recent books and she found it.

This morning she said "Mom, are you sad that you only have three letters in your name? You have three, see? M, O, M. I have six. V, I, O, L, E, T."

It is so fun seeing a kid start understanding all this. :)

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