Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vanessa at night, ugh

She really needs to start sleeping better at night. She is awake at least four times. I usually bring her to bed with me, nurse her, and she falls back asleep for a couple hours, and is awake again, so the process is repeated -- its been like this for a few weeks now and I'm left feeling like a zombie in the morning. Last night I ended up putting her in the crib, shutting my closet door, turning the fan on louder, and putting in ear plugs so I could get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. She screamed herself back to sleep, I think...I did end up sleeping a little because I remember having a very vivid dream between the hours of 4 and 6 am. Violet woke me up at 7:30 telling me that Calvin was screaming for me so I pulled myself out of bed to go get him. My eyelids were throbbing something fierce...I really hate that feeling. I don't know what to do to get her sleeping better! She was swaddled super duper tight. She won't sleep on her tummy either, she lifts her head up every time and starts fussing.


  1. Well this will pass, meanwhile, do what you can to get her more stimulated and kept awake up until bedtime...avoid caffine yourself...and know that if she's comfortable and fed she might just have to cry herself back to sleep a few times during the night if she gets used to being picked up every time she cries or gets least two feedings a night is plenty...the rest of the night is "her problem", however, she might not like being bound up or having the air blowing so be sure she's comfortable and safe, and try not to get yourself too worked up when she's crying herself back to sleep...maybe have a different routine for when you pick her up for feedings, and a different cue or situation when she's to go down and not be tended she knows the difference between OK this is what happens when I get fed and changed, and this is what happens when I am she doesn't get mixed messages. Consistency is so important.
    Perhaps it's what you say too...whatever...make it she knows what's will learn to respond accordingly...but it will take some "training time"'ll make it Maria...these are difficult days...just take as good of care of yourself as you can since you're on the front lines every moment. Can you take a nap during Dave's lunch break? He'll have to do double's not easy for anyone but together you can make it.

  2. Like Mother Jo was writing. Does Vanessa perceive when she is put down for the night, or do we think she isn't really aware of where she is put? So Joanne is picking up on the idea she can be trained to know when she is napping or night time sleeping!
    Crib sounds better than your bed.

  3. I am suspecting it is a big growth spurt - babies go through a big one around three months - she has grown a TON in the last couple weeks and is trying to eat more because of it. Last night was better.
