Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vanessa - 4 months

She'll be 4 months in a couple days, but I might as well update when I'm thinking about it and have a few minutes. I'll find out how much she weighs when I go to the pediatrician with her next week, but I know she's heavier, she makes my back ache if I hold her for awhile walking around the house, she never used to do that to me! I am guessing 13-14 pounds. She is very smiley, giggles every day (especially when I startle her or throw/catch her in the air), and is starting to get grabby and chewy. She loves to be held, and gets fussy if left alone for awhile. She often sits up in her high chair in the kitchen and plays with soft toys I give to her. She reaches out in front of her to grab things and is very interactive.
She also seems to have given up the pacifier. If I try give it to her she refuses it and isn't soothed by it anymore. That may change, I'm going to try keep giving it to her, its certainly a nice thing to have for awhile.

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