Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good job Calvin!

I know there are ups and downs to potty training, but today is a major up. Calvin is showing major progress in using the potty by himself - at least TELLING me he has to go before he goes. I wondered how long it would take him to do it since the last 5 or 6 days have been ME trained to know how long he can hold it (and I've been taking him at least every 30-60 minutes). He has woken up dry from his naps the last couple days (not night time though), and this morning (even though he woke up with a dirty diaper), he went pee before breakfast, then three times at the chapel (right when we got there because he wanted to know where the toilets were) before and after Sunday School, woke up dry after his nap, went poo and pee in the toilet, and is staying dry. I hope he keeps this up. I first had him sit down while peeing so in case he has to go poop he can do that too. He gets rewarded by m&ms every time he goes so there is a big motivation for him, he LOVES getting his prizes! I even took out the changing table and all his cloth diapers out of his room so he knows he doesn't wear them anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Progress!
    Keep reinforcing the good actions!
