Thursday, September 23, 2010

Calvin - a good start so far with potty training

It took me awhile to realize that life was just not going to slow down to "have time" to potty train Calvin...and I just had to dive right in. He is now wearing underwear when we are in the house and pull ups if we go out of the house. There have been a few times in the last week that he's wanted to use the potty and trying to put a diaper on a kid standing up is NOT easy, nor does it give him the "underwear" message that he's OUT of diapers. He doesn't exactly tell me he has to go, I have just been making him go almost every hour during the day. He (usually) happily goes to the potty and pees, he knows he gets a few cheerios for a treat if he goes pee, and if he poos he gets chocolate chips.
I went to MOPS this morning he was in the child care. I had the babysitters take him twice and he stayed dry all morning, and went pee in the toilet for the child care workers each time they took him ~ I guess its just a matter of him learning that there are toilets everywhere we go, not just at home.
He has yet to consistently TELL me he has to go and then go on his own (he did once last night after small group), I bet that will take awhile. I feel like all the interaction I get with him is in the bathroom lately asking him to get on the toilet and pee - but that's alright.
#2 seems to be a different story though - he always wakes up in the morning and has already done his duty.

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