Monday, September 06, 2010

Awww Calvin

He said something so cute on Sunday morning. I'll say...its RARE form for me to be all "dolled up". I decided to wear a skirt as part of my outfit and leave my hair down on Sunday morning, and when I was done getting ready and walked downstairs to get breakfast ready for the family, Calvin took one look at me and said "Mom! You look like a princess!" It sounded more like "Mom! You wook wike a pin-cess!" but it was really adorable. :D Another thing he said the other day was "the sky is so beau-ful!" He also can't say words that start with the letter S. He says "weeky" for "squeaky" and "wippers" for "slippers". He and Violet love to pretend one of them is a dog, the other is the whoever is the dog crawls on the floor and pants, the master pretends to tell them what to do...sit, lay down, go in their cage (they use a laundry basket), or play with a toy. Calvin was the master recently and was telling his puppy (Violet) to go get a toy, so he started yelling "Get your weeky toy! Weeky weeky weeky!" Just hearing that made me laugh.

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