Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pooper shooter

Vanessa must have something against my black capri pants. While in labor, my water broke while wearing those and all her meconium poo saturated them. After being thoroughly washed, I thought they were finally good to wear again. This morning while changing her diaper, I thought I had waited long enough for her to finish her business, but I was wrong. I took off her diaper, began wiping, and she squirted the farthest poop I have ever seen ~ it traveled probably four to five feet through the air. It landed on the towel that was underneath her, on my right leg all over those black pants I had just put on for the day, and all over the floor and it even hit the laundry room door that was open (her "changing station" is on the laundry room counter top). Goodness! I couldn't help but laugh, because just then she started smiling at if she had been planning it. Can I just say...I LOVE my washing machine!!

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